Stuggling today

Sassy I keto too normally…lily’s is so good. I keep a bag of chips in my house.


I made the mistake of buying a BOX of their chocolate bars from Amazon awhile ago…the dark chocolate with coconut ones…so delicious!!

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Randa, remember our program of sobriety works one day at a time, one hour at a time, even one breath at a time…and most important of all, we do not drink or use no matter what life throws at us. Good job reaching out my friend. But for the grace of God go I.

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Thank you guys, I seem to be heading in the right direction now.

The coffee is on and I’m doing some manifesting


Just take some deep relaxing breaths.


I feel like sometimes everything comes back at the same time to show you why you’re on a new path.


Thank you for that reminder!


Randa, just read through this post. You need some tamales. Tamales fix everything. Especially cheese and jalapeño!!!

Hang in there. I promise tomorrow will be a better day. Go to bed early if you have to.

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@GVLNative I might have to ask my neighbor for some…ohhhh homemade tortilla sound good too.

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Girl, I have been there. Proudly hit the block button, take a hot bath and focus on you. Those two can take a running leap off a short bridge. There isn’t a man in this world that can steal your joy or your power, remember that.


I ended it with the last one because too may red flags were waving that were like my sons dad. So I ended it…so my sons dad calling today shook me.

I’m just glad I can see things clearly and not fall back into habits

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I had an ex from a seriously toxic relationship reach out to me last week. Believe me when I say, I know how it feels to have something shake you to the core. I actually changed my number because of it. I sure as hell didn’t drink though. Strong women recognize strong women. You’re one of the strong ones.