Subs to quit oxy

Hey all , how is everyone? So I have been frantically looking on every site I can find to see how people do with using suboxan to ease the discomfort that comes with WD’s, I’m a chronic relapse on oxy, and with each “binge” I end up using longer & more (very costly) I was just out for about 3 months , doing 10 a day , yeah $300 a day f that habit. Like all of us, I just wanted one last high. Couldn’t get it. And each time I go through wd I usually CT and tough it out but each detox is more and more sever and unbearable. I once again have 3 days , but also got 6 8mg subs to take. I didn’t know how to use them. Got a little pep talk from the person who found them for me (he was a heavy iv user shooting D’s) he said “if I can do it you can do it, it’s all in your head” I’m not gonna lie, I still have very mild symptoms. I didn’t know the proper way to take them. I first day did a whole 8mg, day 2 the same , today I cut a quarter out. Still so much easier then the norm dope sick. Luckily I have a script for Xanax and colodpin and adderall. So the benzo helps w anxiety and sleep, and the Adderall energy. I’m tapering off those however, 1/2 the dose of benzo I’m @ and 1/4 dose of add’s. Idk. Shit if anyone bothered to read this long. I was hoping to get some feed back on what to expect after my last sub, I’m only doing for 8 days , I will have one whole extra one (just Incase) I just don’t want to use anymore, and I’m not looking to completely be free of dope sickness, someone one here said “if you play you pay” I have kratom too. But not using it as I want to not use too much supplemental and trade addictions. I was off the oxy but stuck on kratom for a good 6/7 months, and yes you do get sick after quitting that.

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Ok, I would go see your local primary care that does suboxone treatment (called OMT) as you will likely need to be on it a while. The rates of relapse are terrible if you only do just 12 weeks even of daily suboxone/naltrexone. Suboxone by itself can be abused as well and has street value, as you have acquired. I know this as I’m a prescriber and please stick with it and get better at getting better every day. The other meds you have are worrisome too, but the opioids have to be managed first. Best of luck and hang in there.


Please stay away from the kratom it can have really bad effects mixed with pills, pot, or booze.


Thank you so much, I know doctors do tend to keep patients on Sub for way longer. I’m currently active in recovery groups (as much as possible from pandemic) but I considered detox (passing on rehab/been there done that) figured I’d try and do it like they do in detox . They usually have them only on for 10 days . I don’t want sub long term . I don’t want to have to taper another horrible drug. I always had a problem with addiction my whole life. I did have a full two years complete substance free (except when I had a c-section) and I had never felt better. I honestly started doing well. But I picked up again (my kids father and love of my life just OD’d 3 months ago) shot H laced w fent. I have not touched a needle in 10 years, that was hard to quit. I’m just so tired of this merry go round. I’m getting too old for this shit.


Short term suboxone has poor outcomes, last time I’ll run my mouth about it. But, in your own words, "never felt better when I was off everything " You have a plan, a home group and a want to succeed. Let’s do this shit together. Maybe say be on it no longer than 2 yrs. I’m a simple drunk, who is alive today allowed to help others again.


Calling @Donnie_Spiering

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Please reconsider detox again. Professional detox from oxy, hydro and booze saved my friend’s life 6 years ago. He stayed clean and sober for about 5 years after that but then went back to the pills and the booze and added Kratom to it and he lost his life. I wish he would have have gone back a second time for the professional detox, it could have saved his life again. He is no longer here to tell his story. But I can share his story with you. he would not have minded to help you.


I mentioned the recent OD of my children’s father love of my life. 3 months ago. He had been in and out too. I know I’ll be dead if I don’t get it together. The struggle is a lifetime. I have acquired a lot of tools in my recovery groups. Just fighting along wall of you. Sad my SO doesn’t have that option but in a way I’m a bit relived and angry with him, he doesn’t have to fight anymore. It’s so easy to fall back in to old habits.

subs are opioids too so taking high doses like 8mg isnt gonna help your wd problem. if u can bare some WD start at 2 or 4mgs . 1 mg of suboxone is alot stronger then you think it is. its equal to about 40mg of morphine. starting out on 8mg will help with WD but your prolonging wd on that dose. your gonna wanna take small doses and feel wd shining thru to do any good. ur still gonna feel very lethargic and not feel well but atleast u wont be having hot and cold chills and u wont be on the toilet every hr. eventually u should try skipping days and taking smaller n smaller pieces til u feel u can manage.


When I was in rehab they did a 5 day taper, pretty much cutting my dose in half. I’ve had plenty of success without long term Suboxone treatment. I’ve found most prescribers keep you on it longer and at a higher dose than you need.

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The term out the frying pan into the fire comes to mind I’ve been on n iff my script for nearly 17 years as I used it as another drug/crutch if you can do without safely personally that what is do there all hell to come off so it’s looking at it two way first ya prolonging the enevitable pain of withdrawal or you look at it like it give you the help and support you need right now I’m very torn between the two but talking from experience I’d give yourself a time to be on subutex I’d say no more that 3/6 months .this is just my personal views takecare I wish you all the strength and determination to Beat this beast🙏

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My schedule with them is fast. I do still have some wd symptoms. Definitely. But omg so much milder I can actually function. It still sucks bc I’m not %100 but I’m able to do what I need to do. It’s that whole getting past day 3 that’s been so hard for me. I did 8mg on day 1 & 2, took 1/4 off and did that day 3 & 4 tomorrow and the next day only 1/2, then the two following days 1/4 and a 1/4 I still have one more extra 1/4 and another 8mg If I need it but I’m gonna try really hard. Got back into my recovery groups , sponsored and all yay lol


Why did I still feel sick on the first two days? Not as bad as ct but I still had WD’s and I do now but much less and I’m taking less too.

Because suboxone is a partial agonist to your opiod receptors and oxycodone is a full agonist. So, you experienced a partial WD.


Stick with it it will take atleast 2/4 weeks before you really start levelling out .be patient my friend

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Just an update, on day 5, maybe someone else out there might have been frantically looking for some sort of way to detox w/o feeling full on dope sick and be able to function and not look like a sick person (especially with the pandemic/ people will probably think I have covid if I show up to work dope sick) but I did a 1/2 today , each day I fell less and less of the mild wd symptoms. Last 1/4 of sub I’ll be taking Monday so will update how the symptoms are there. I’m not gonna lie! This is the absolute best detox I’ve expected (they alll suck, but this w the subs has made it sooooo much easier. I wanted to stop, but getting sick was keeping me from stopping. Idk of this is sick or morbid but I’m so greatful I did it this way (so far anyway) I was always so scared to take subs, and I tried in the past and only did for two days and I felt crappy and I thought the crappy feeling was going to get more intense as I dropped down on doses,

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I know fent is the worst to get off I heard. That’s how my kids father passed. He bought a bad batch of dope laced w fent. I talked to him that day, this was just this past March, 4 hours later went by and he was face down on the floor gone… his toxicology report showed fentanyl, and the hit he did was huge, he was a big guy (6’5 200lb /give-take) its totally destroyed my family right now. It’s all tore apart. I was clean, was trying to help him. He was hiding it. I picked up the day he died. I’ve been unable to handle the emotional experience of finding my love dead. I had a bf that OD’d when I was 15 but I didn’t find/see him. But my SO … man !!! The chill in my bones when they took him on the stretcher and rolled him into a minivan to take him to the morgue. Unfortunately we had a lockdown in my state following shortly after and I was unable to get myself and children in grief counseling. Coming from an addict , who lost the love of her life to addiction, you think I would not run out and get high , let alone go on a 3 month run. I didn’t cry much the 3 months I was going hard, but not that I’m starting day 6 (woohoo) this past week I’ve cried more than ever. I think part of me wanted to OD too. I had the kind set “I’d rather burn out than fade away” but I didn’t … I am so mad at him and so sad . If I were to die, damn right I would want to get high af first. I still feel deep down (and I think everyone does) I like being high. But when I picked up I maybe got my high twice , I couldn’t get high even after blowing back 6 blues @ once. I couldn’t get high, I was chasing a train!!! I couldn’t catch it. Just ONE more time is all I wanted . I didn’t dare pick up a needle (again it’s been 10 years or so since I last shot up) and I remember the obsession of the needle for a couple years, it was white knuckling gritted teeth you not , and I had reservations (I held on to one rig, for whole year) you know, just Incase … pure torture. The whole addiction thing really has a hold on us, and a drug is a drug is a drug it is the ugly trend in my life to swap one addiction for another . I did one time have 2 year COMPLETE substance free except for caffeine and nicotine, and the best two years of my life. We are special. We have a life long gotta check our selfs and anything we consume , 1 is too many and 1000 is never enough.

Another update, day 7. Took my last 1/4. (I still have another 8mg Incase along w a 1/4 piece of sub) I feel normal. I did go out and did yard work for 3 hours and sweat so much , but I felt like all that garbage was leaving my body in that way. I’m so happy I did it , I think I would still be using oxy if I didn’t get the subs. Side note didn’t sleep great last two nights. But I’ve had a lot on my mind.

Be careful because subs don’t just stop with drawl they stop cravings and if you just quit taking them you might find that you can’t stop thinking about getting high even though you shouldn’t have any opiates in your system. The way the subs alleviate the crave is it’s most valuable asset. Think about it


I believe it, and honestly this past week I’ve been craving anyway. It’s my escape. But I’m not going to put myself in that position again I refuse.