Subutex withdrawal

Subutex i have tried and failed 17 times …longest I have made it is 25 days … anybody kick this for good and healed? How long does it take to pass?


Hey there, it is possible. I havent experienced it but I know people in the rooms who have come off and stayed clean. I have a friend tapering of methadone right now, super slowly and its working for her.

Here was a good post from a member i thought you might like to read to give you some hope. Stay hooked in with other addicts in recovery who can help you stay clean.


This! Live on here.


My experience was different. I wasn’t clear headed when I got to rehab after 5 days of intense withdrawals (in a state run psych hospital). I was through the worst of it and should have refused subutex. I don’t recall the dosage but it was less than a week and I was done.

This is excellent guidance. I found this also just now on a cursory search. Wish you well.

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Subutex works best while you work it. Stinking thinking
I was on a medicine such as subutex and when i demanded a refill from my doctor he asked me
Is this my new addiction
I had to sit and think about it
Then i decided it was not
My sponsor demanded that i talk it out

Keep working it. It will get better