Suggestions on sobriety/recovery books

Any suggestions on books to read that has helped you in recovery? I have zero hobbies, drinking was my hobby. But I feel like reading books would be a good way to pass time when im feeling the itch to drink.

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Here is a list for you…


There are a ton of podcasts you can listen to. Just search “alcoholics” and you will have many choices.


Are you looking for books ON recovery or books to occupy your mind so you don’t drink (??? Sorry, not sure what your DOC is.)


I actually just picked up a book recently: “Not Drinking Tonight, by Amanda E White”. It’s not a traditional “don’t drink” kinda book. It’s more of a great collection of ways to create a better sober life and self-work advice. It’s worth a read.


Doc is alcohol and yess… book on recovery.

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additionally, the absolute BEST help in my 3 years sobriety is the You Tube Joe and Charlie big book study. Priceless!

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The best book I read was Drink:The Intimate a relationship Between Women and Alcohol (or is it between alcohol and women??? Google will find it)

It is part mémoire and part science.

I HIGHLY recommend


Some good books listed already so I’ll try not to duplicate. High sobriety, dry, my fair junkie, nothing good can come from this, the night of the gun, running random road.


One that helps me is Allen Carrs EASYWAY to control alcohol. Really helps change your perspective about alcohol and make you realise you’re not giving something up but gaining a life again.

Just realised im 11 months late replying :sweat_smile:

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