Sunday Learning From The Scriptures

Here’s the full verse about that new creation, it’s amazing


Lots of good scriptures here; thanks for sharing! I especially appreciated Isaiah 32:17 because it spoke to me today. A good reminder for me about what blessings can be ours when we are doing what we can and should be doing. Thank you! :slight_smile:


1 Nephi 8-10

The word of God leads me to the Savior and helps me feel His love

Lehi’s vision offers an invitation to reflect on where you are—and where you are going—in your personal journey to know the Savior and feel His love. President Boyd K. Packer taught: “You may think that Lehi’s dream or vision has no special meaning for you, but it does. You are in it; all of us are in it (see 1 Nephi 19:23). Lehi’s dream or vision of the iron rod has in it everything a … Latter-day Saint needs to understand the test of life” (“Lehi’s Dream and You,” New Era, Jan. 2015, 2)

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Sorry I have been away from the forum for a bit. Good kind of busy though haha :slight_smile:

I think it’s interesting to see the different ways people responded to the fruit of the Tree. Some ate the fruit and stayed, some ate it but left, some wanted to but never did, and some never wanted to. Each of the four groups behaved differently, too (for example, the group who didn’t want to often made it harder for those who did).

I relate this to my sobriety journey. Where am I on the path? Honestly, I probably am wandering in the mists of darkness a bit too much, letting go of the rod too often, seeking strange paths too frequently. Yet I want the fruit, and I strive to keep my eyes on the best prize I could ever wish for.

The lesson has lots of spiritual examples, too, but I thought I would share an example of how it relates in my life haha :slight_smile:

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No, that’s okay. I think I regularly partake of the fruit, but then sometimes I fall in the river, drag myself out and find myself wandering around in the dark and dreary waste searching for the iron rod amongst the mists of darkness.

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Yeah, I might be a bit wet from the water as well. Thankfully I’m not one of the many who drowned and gave into the addiction fully. Even with all my struggles I have a lot to be thankful for haha.

I have a new appreciation to those who (like Lehi) are calling for us and helping us move in the right direction. When I can’t see the path and keep falling, their voice can be one of the most reliable things to help you keep moving in the right direction.

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I find that if my routines arent solid on a daily basis, off I go onto the mist, getting lost.

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I have a schedule some days, but others I don’t. Now that you mention that, it does seem like those days are the days I relapse. I am going to have to try this advice for myself and see if things improve for me. Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

1 Nephi 13:20-42

In order to understand the value of the “plain and precious” truths in the Book of Mormon, compare a clearly written message to a scrambled message. Why might Heavenly Father want His truths to be taught clearly? Consider some of some “plain and precious” truths you have learned from the Book of Mormon.

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Nephi 16:10–16, 23–31; 18:11–22
The Lord guides me through small and simple means

When God led Lehi’s family into the wilderness, He did not provide them with a detailed travel plan to the promised land. But He did give Lehi the Liahona to guide his family daily toward their destination. What has Heavenly Father given you to provide guidance and direction? What do you think it means that “by small means the Lord can bring about great things”? (1 Nephi 16:29).

As you read 1 Nephi 16:10–16, 23–31 and 18:11–22, consider making a list of principles that illustrate how God guides His children (for example, 1 Nephi 16:10 can teach that God sometimes guides us in unexpected ways). What experiences have you had with these principles?

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2 Nephi 4:15–35
I can turn to God in my weakness

Nephi had recently lost his father. The responsibility for leading his family now rested on him. He felt surrounded by temptation and was discouraged because of his sins. Even if your circumstances are different from Nephi’s, you may relate to some of his thoughts and emotions recorded in 2 Nephi 4:15–35. What helped Nephi in his afflictions? How can Nephi’s response to his challenges help you face your struggles?

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Nephi 6–8
The Lord is merciful to His people and will fulfill His promises

To help his people understand that they were part of the house of Israel and could trust God and His promises, Jacob quoted prophecies of Isaiah, recorded in 2 Nephi 6–8. Isaiah described the scattering of Israel and the Savior’s promised gathering and redemption of His people. As you read, ponder questions like the following:

  • What do I learn about the Savior’s redeeming love for me?
  • What comfort does the Savior offer to those who seek Him?
  • What can I do to more faithfully “wait” for the Savior and His promised blessings?
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2 Nephi 14:4–6
Our homes and “assemblies” of Zion can be places of safety and refuge

In 2 Nephi 14:4–6 Isaiah prophesied about the safety and peace that the righteous will enjoy after the Lord has “washed away” and “purged” their sins. Although these verses describe conditions that will exist in the Millennium, they could help class members as they seek spiritual safety in the midst of latter-day wickedness. Invite them to ponder and discuss what it means to have “a cloud and smoke” and “a flaming fire” on their “dwelling-place” and “assemblies” (verse 5; see also Exodus 13:21–22). What are some things that might be compared to the heat, storm, and rain mentioned in verse 6? How can we find refuge? (see also Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). What ways can you make sure your homes and Church gatherings are places of spiritual protection?

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