Tags, trigger warnings & keeping the forum tidy - we need your help!

As we all know, we are a forum for people all over the world with a range of addictions. Some people have addictions to things that others find a healthy level of comfort in (e.g., sex or eating). Discussion of some of those behaviours can be very triggering to people, especially those who have experienced trauma in their past.

Tags are added to some posts but not very consistently, and it would be great to see them used more. Tags can help people find posts and community they relate to, as well as avoid subjects they may find triggering or traumatic.

You can add a tag when you create a post:

If you can’t see a tag you want to add and don’t have the option to create one, you can send a private message to @moderators (note this only works via PM, it doesn’t tag us on the main forum). If you have Regular status, you can create tags yourself.

If you are discussing something that may be traumatic to others, please add a trigger warning (TW) to the title of your post. And if you are discussing potentially triggering subjects, please create a new topic with a TW rather than adding this into existing threads.

Regulars and Moderators can edit existing posts to add trigger warnings and/ or tags by clicking the pencil icon next to the title:

If you are not a regular and find a post concerning, please message @moderators and we will update accordingly.

Sometimes we don’t realise what we are discussing could be problematic for others - and that’s OK! We assume everyone posts with the best of intentions and Moderators are on hand to help tidy things up as needed. We rely on people flagging or messaging moderators when they see issues and the support of members with Regular status to make changes as they feel appropriate.


A post was merged into an existing topic: PSA: Using Tags for a better Talking Sober experience