Talking Sober not opening in Sober Time Android

Thanks for posting the screenshots, now I at least have a clue as to what’s going on.

Changed a few server settings, upgraded the platform version and rebooted the server. Will keep checking in on this until we get it resolved.

Just closed and reopened app but getting same message.

Samsung, Note5 from the States. I live in Europe now. It is suppose to be compatible. Obviously not. Before the updates, I could take my phone and spend hours on TS, now it is limited. I can only do it from pc. I live in a place that there is no AA, not many meds and this is my true lifeline. Thank you!

mine works… I have a samsung…

Nope, I have the exact same Samsung as you(S8) and it’s working perfectly :woman_shrugging:
I hope it works out for you and the others experiencing trouble

@Robin - reinstalled app and still getting error

Having the same issue on Google pixel XL

Also cant load talking sober after the app Update. Now using the browser to log in

Add me to the list. Got an update about 10 AM EST and now I get immediate cannot load error.

I’ve released another update that shows a dialog when the forum fails to load. You can then tap the reset button which should resolve it for some, if not all.

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Not working for my note 9…could be operator error on my part…

The dialog in the new update will also show some more detail in the error, which you are welcome to pass along to me.

Dialog should come after you get an error, which might take a minute or two.

I only get the spinning again now left it ages a few times and did not change or bring anything else up unfortunately

I justn uninstalled and reinstalled thevapp…and got

Don’t think you’re on the latest version yet.

Hmmm…how would i get it…lol

From the play store, but it usually takes a few hours to distribute across the world.