Talking Sober not opening in Sober Time Android

Ok…i will try it again later toniggt.

Got this screen on the app. Uninstalled, and reinstalled the app several times. It doesn’t load when trying to open the forum. Just shows endless loading spinner.

@Robin I uninstalled & reinstalled and keep getting this error.

Is version 3.33 the latest version?

Every other part of the app works except for the community. Can only access the community through the internet. Thanks!

I had 3.33 and working fine.

Just checked the store and there was an update to 3.34 though. Still okay here after the update.

Just did update and its shifted from error message back to indefinite loading…

Ok…i will have to see if i can download 3.34

Well…now i got that too …progress not perfection…it is an addiction app :joy:


I keeping getting the thinking wheel in the app for the community… everything else works fine

I have uninstalled/reinstalled, got the update, restarted my phone, uninstalled/reinstalled, restarted again.

Had the error message mentioned above all day yesterday. Since installing the update it has has gone to the loading wheel.

I haven’t had the problem yet. That includes today’s version, as well. Here’s hoping we can figure it out for everybody else, though. I almost wonder if it’s something like cashed app data or something weird haha

Update: Cashed Data includes your reset timers, and history. So, just a heads up before trying anything haha :wink:


I just cleared the cache and cleared app data and I’m back in!

Although I have lost my sobriety counters… @Robin can you get those back or are they gone? I know my alcohol one but not my smoking and nicotine ones.


Oh, no, it was only a temporary in. Back to the spinning wheel and I have lost my nicotine counter :woman_facepalming:

Hurray! :smiley:

Oh shoot, I didn’t event think about what might be cashed. It might be gone :frowning: I apologize already haha

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Nooo! Dang it, now I really have done it haha :frowning: :wink:

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I think it was clearing app data that did that. It did ask if I was sure cos data might be lost and I just ignored it :joy:

It’s no biggie though, it’s just numbers. The most important thing is that I don’t drink and smoke any more :grin:


That is a great way of looking at it. In any scenario, you might have a close guess for the day you could use should you find the need haha. :slight_smile:

I also updated my post to warn others haha :wink:

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Yes, might not be a good idea to delete the cache yet. Let’s wait to see what @Robin suggests.

@siand the data might still be on the web version? Hopefully you can get it back :pray:


I downloaded an update this morning and no longer get the error message, I get the spinning wheel. Any suggestions?