Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

For me, I took some time for myself today and had a nice long bath, I drew a little bit with the intention of building up a bunch of illustrations to put up across the subdivision to make people smile when they’re walking by. Getting outside of my head is key. Being in the first week of sobriety again I’m wondering what everyone else did today to stay sober… Please share your experience strength and hope to help the next suffering alcohol to stay sober tonight.


I was able to sit with another person who accepts, as do I, having the disease of addiction. We talked about our experiences and how we are doing well today, for today. Made me smile and remember how good helping others feels.


Could you please delete the photo? It may be difficult for those struggling with sobriety to see images of alcohol here.


Didn’t do anything particular to stay sober… i just feel good and wish to be sober


And to piggy back on that, bugger all to sober-ish. There’s no ish.


I woke up, took a shower, planned my day, grabbed a cup of coffee, thought about tonight’s NFL draft, read about the coronavirus, cursed the media, said a little thank to the Gods that may be for today, texted a group about NC’s outer banks, read some TS posts, cursed addiction, opened this post, looked at the OPs censored content, read her story, cursed addiction and the folks who censored it, wrote this, now leaving my room to go to work.


Move to the country
Plant a little garden
Eat a lot of peaches…

RIP John Prine.


I didn’t see an issue with the bottom of the pic. Could’ve cropped it but I forgot. People are too sensitive. It’s a picture. You see worse on tv.


Yeah I deleted it

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Got up at my regular 04:00. My nightowl daughter was awake, but ready to sleep until noon. Instead of my morning workout, I made pancakes and we had breakfast together. It was nice.


Got my ass out into nature, did the dishes, watered my plants, finished a crochet project, cleaned the toilet, listened to some music, made myself a nourishing meal, had a good conversation with the guy I like. Now Imma make some coffee and read a little bit (The power of now by Eckhart Tolle).


I am doing what I do every day to maintain my sobriety. Kind of a boring routine but every morning start off with coffee after feeding the pets of course.
Luther’s short morning prayer
Short on line Bible Gateway verse
Daily Portals of Prayer reading
Short reading from Our Daily Bread
Short reading of the daily My Utmost For His Highest.
One chapter from the Bible.
Daily Courage to change reading.
Check out the readings from Hazelden Betty Ford website
And finally talking sober gratitude list and check out what else is going on here at TS.
It sounds like a lot but they are all short readings so it doesn’t really take long. But that half hour or 45 minutes to begin my day really gives me strength. Sometimes I think it’s a boring routine. But I am retired. And these day I got no place to go in a hurry. And if it’s working? Don’t fix it!!
Love you guys.


Nice topic. Looking forward to reading more posts. I hope it catches on. :pray:t2::heart:

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i stayed sober knowing anytime i could get a drug test or full body, car and room check. i wanted to face life again, it’s hard to face strong emotional when i’m sober that’s why getting high helps.

I did a hard day’s work in the happy knowledge I didn’t have to start it hungover. And even though I’m home tired now I can still fix myself a good tasty dinner. I don’t have to drown myself in 2 bottles of wine tonight in the false conviction I need it to be able to sleep. I realise all this reading this topic on Talkingsober so I guess the main thing I DID to remain sober was come here! Thanks for the topic, good one.


Upon my daily waking up ritual of cursing my alarm-clock and arming about 9-15 deadly thoughts I paused, hit snooze and did it again 9 minutes later. This is nothing new. I did put my pen to paper later though and added Rage to my list of defects in my sixth step. Im up to about 30. Now when I go over the top I do it concious. Not the most plesant experience but I see how it helps me in a way, cause I rather not wake up like that in the future. Anyways, after breakfast I started writing in my step. I do that every day except Sundays. I love Sundays. Procastrination. Ive adopted a new perspective on life. I watch myself do what I do and I try not to judge. Humour helps alot.
Today Lotta needed help going to the store so I added Laziness to ny list and went with her. I do whatever she say. Lying is allready on my list… I TRY to do everything she sais because I have commited to live by her example for a whole year seeing as she do allright for herself and have been sober for 27 years. If I do what she have done, why shouldnt I be able to stay clean that long? Its almost never funny however. |Edit| Allright, you may have cought me in a bad mood, it as actually pretty damn good most of the time. Maybe not funny, but pretty damn good |End Edit| But it can be downright painfull at times seeing as she dont accept me fleeing from my feelings, even just a little. But it had kept me sober and clean and off meds for nearly 8 months. And, it never got close to beeing as bad as the homless junkie I used to be. Really. Oh but she say I flee feelings writing on this forum, so I will add keeping secrets to my list cause, shes not perfect, and she dont have to be. Im not perfect neither. Obviously.
Anyways I love the thred. Great idea!
Good job everyone!
Now Im off to clean the house before she gets back home. Lottas orders


My mom said shes been having a long day at work so I colored her a picture from my adult coloring book with a fairy and flowers, that also says “Let That Shit Go” :joy: Probably the tamest page from the books, I love them.


My job.

Maybe that’s a dumb one. But it’s a commitment I’m grateful for even if it’s just normal expectation. Something I can contribute to and be useful. Something I resented when I was drinking. Something I’m fortunate to even have.

Especially lately, it keeps me busy and sober 9 hours a day and no longer consumes me as it used to.


I took a long walk outside im nature in the morning, talked to 3 good friends and my father on the phone. And at the end of the day i had nice sweet treats… :yum:


I did vinyasa flow yoga. Some of the more difficult poses I did include bound angle, starfish, half moon, and swaying palm.