Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

I’m at a 4 day music festival…I’m listening to the music…and I just came here…thx for being here peeps


that sounds awesome (what kind of music) - hope you are having a great time!

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What kinda cookies? I’m dieting so I will live vicariously through your baking.

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I meditated in the morning, ran errands and had a heart felt conversation with a friend about why I’m not drinking and why I will never drink again.


I meditated and watched some sober youtube. Its amazing living in a time when all these resources are free.


lol – I have been craving dark chocolate so made some chocolate chip cookies (gf and vegan but did have sugar).

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Had some walking and bycicling,tried to read a book, but lost interest, been bad with my dad :pensive:, it hurts.


I’m back on track, day four after 8 months of sobriety. I’ve spent the past few days studying and getting myself therapy and doctor appointments. I’m talking to my fiancé who is helping me from afar to get better. One day at a time


I’m sorry Ivars - i do hope it gets better with your dad. Great job doing activities to keep you busy and sober.

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Welcome back Meaghan - glad to see you back on track and working on the tools to help you on your sober journey. Keep working it ODAAT

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Sounds delicious!

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I’m just talking to myself. Asking myself whether drinking tonight will make me feel better tonight, make me happier? Will my evening get more interesting, do i need the careless numb and dumb feeling it makes me feel. Is it really that fun and that much better? No! It isn’t! The “good feeling”, stupid smile and the nonsense thoughts i expirience with alcohol are actually not that fun anymore. It’s actually quite boring!


I’ve been listening to a lot of the Sober Awkward podcast. I love a good sobriety podcast!


Morning AA meeting


I watched anime

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I went a listened to my 92 year old Papa preach for the first time in 15 years


I kept myself busy by cleaning out my dresser, going through my jeans and purging and finally cleaned out my makeup and organized my bathroom linen closet.


Welcome to the community Katherine! What a lovely time that must have been. Hope you are doing well and hopefully we will see you around.

Edit: FIRST I meant to thank you all for this thread – just what I was looking for (practical tips and examples).

Checked in here several times yesterday (I’m up in the middle of the night now after an hour or two of sleep). This is the only website whose desktop notifications I allow.

Sat on my meditation cushion twice – once for about five minutes, and later for about 10 minutes. I want to make this a daily habit again. Also, just sitting seems to help the sobbing and stress come out, even without doing any specific meditation technique.

Just had a light meal and am thinking a large tumbler of iced tea will be next, even though it’s the middle of the night. Will do some reading (internet or a real book), then back to bed sometime.


Just treated myself to a bacon and egg bagel and a laaaarge coffee at Noah’s. Enjoying some time to myself with my journal. Just made my entry for the day and ready to head out…maybe take a little drive, or hang out at the bookshop…who knows?