Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

Sorry about your morning love. Glad you had a yummy breakfast :yum:. I do hope the day turns around for you :people_hugging:


Thank you!!!

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I got up with sunrise and exercised while listening to the birds. Let’s gooooo!


Hi everyone I stayed sober today despite no sleep last night. That’s usually a warning sign and a trigger. I worked really hard to get bills paid. Went grocery shopping and cooked a nutritious meal (finally). The struggle has been a little difficult for me lately. I went through a really awful phase last week. I’m having residual thoughts and feelings about it but managing nicely. I have these thoughts of sabotaging my own accomplishments like the part time job and the whale watch. Everytime I have something good coming for me I tend to try and ruin it before it even starts. It’s frustrating. I’ve been experiencing this awful experience lately. I will be with ppl or driving alone in my car and either friends and family notice that I’m not really in the room. Like I am physically but everything around me is blurry and it seems like I’m not in my body if that makes sense. It’s like I’m someone else watching me… It scares me. When I’m driving it happens way too often I can’t remember the drive. Like I end up somewhere and don’t know how I ended up there. Idk if these two things are connected. Seems like it bc theyre similar emotional disconnections. I’ve been Journaling a lot lately. I find that writing on a forum like this one really helps get my feelings out in understandable words.


Had the day off today, so mainly been running some errands…hung out at a coffee shop and caught up on some journaling, had a yummy chicken burrito for lunch just now. Gotta head home and check on Mom, then do a load or two of laundry and earn some “husband points”.


AA meeting in the morning, chores and gym/pool afternoon. Day 9. Feeling good.


Started day 1 of the alcohol experiment by this naked mind, listened to those podcasts and loving them so far


Got home and ate a good meal, now im drinking a grapefruit seltzer that im trying for the first time, added a splash of tart cherry juice. Might mix another concoction after i finish this one

Gonna shower and probably play some stardew valley