That's another reset

This app has become my outlet and the people here are fantastic. Although I don’t post much, I’m on here everyday reading others experiences and sometimes that can be enough for me for the day to get through another 24 hours. I used to look at the future of sobriety alot, what 6 months… 12 months… 24 months… Would look like. I tried over 15x just in the last 4 months to get sober. So many days would pass and my alcoholic brain would convince me that I could have a few… It was a lie. Now, I am sober again and it can be frustrating when you’ve tried so many times, but you CAN do this. Focus on one day at a time, find healthy habits to fill the time you would normally drink. There is so much help on this forum and without it, I would be lost. AA is an excellent option as well and creating a support network. Stay strong!