That's it I've had enough!

Slipped again I can’t do this anymore. Since my relapse 2 weeks ago I can’t pull myself back! In bed feel like shit what’s the point!! I’m to weak!!!

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Keep your head up. Sobriety isn’t easy and nothing worth doing is ever easy. What triggers are causing the lapses ?


You can do it. Keep a positive mentality and just take one day at a time. Just remember you will start to feel better as time passes. And you will have crappy days but you owe it to yourself to enjoy life sober

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@X_Toni_X please read this


Toni you need to figure out what is triggering your relapses. Are you still hanging out with old friends and going to the same places? Don’t give up as bad as you feel now using will be much worse…


Same here @X_Toni_X I feel for you. Don’t beat yourself up too much. The point is to keep trying eventually it will work for both of us again. Hang in there. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Sometimes it might take a longer relapse to get back on the train. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You will make it back, im so sure of it. If you keep the goal of sobriety in front of you, you will reach it eventually. Please keep checking in, we are all here for you

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A lot of us have been there @X_Toni_X don’t be too disheartened and please please don’t give up. We can do this :sunflower:

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You can do this and you will, stick with it x

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You did 70 days!!! You are hardly a weak person! I’m sure everyone STILL looks up to you for that accomplishment! Get to the things that made you proud…gym and meditation etc… I personally am encouraged by you. You’re not starting over, you’re just continuing the battle. Fight!


So true thanks @Marcus I’m back an I’ll keep fighting xx


@X_Toni_X always remember “can’t” should not be in your vocabulary. Also I have been there before, I have stopped for months, relapsed, stop again, it has become a repeated cycle. Maybe u need to start slow like I am currently doing. I drink wine everyday, @ 1st it use 2 b 2-3 bottles, then I gradually went down to 1, now a whole bottle last me a 1 1/2 sometimes longer. My main focus is not to go back to liquor first then it will be to not even drink wine, but 1 day at a time. Since I have been drinking wine, I can drive past a liquor and not want to stop or b around people and not even crave it because I know 1 drink will lead to multiple drinks and that’s not a risk I am willing to take since I am not craving it anymore.

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@X_Toni_X, just a question have you thought about trying NA or AA meeting?

Hey @lizak I attend aa I got sober for 70 day because of the rooms. I’m back at day 6 feeling a bit more positive now x


That’s awesome, good luck…:slight_smile::crossed_fingers::heart: