The Artist’s Way Challenge

I’ve been working away most of the day on this piece. I started with baking a salt dough and have added a couple of layers of paint and some buttons I had collected.


Its a brilliant, classic book that i recommend all read! Timeless


Morning pages are life changing!

This is stuff they should teach in young schools.

What you manifest from morning pages is mind blowing. Its truly powerful. Ive done it on and off for many many years. I cant speak highly enough of the process :heart:


I’d like to join you all too! I have an old copy that I started reading months ago but didn’t keep up with. Down to try again! :slight_smile:


Please join us :blush:
Still on week 1 here!


Hey @Deelzebub sorry to leave you hanging. I had a lot of stuff going on in my life but I’m still committed. I had a hard time doing my artist date this week. Instead of forcing myself to do something I dont want to do when I’m tired and overwhelmed, I’m going to rest and watch Drag Race instead. Hopefully I’m on the up soon. I have a splitting headache today

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Just received the book today! Hope to contribute here soon


Sorry you’re not feeling good. When I was showering this morning it occurred to me that there are no rest days within this plan which is not great. And then I thought about how on Thursday I was working on my sculpture from about 8.30am through to 9 or 10 at night (obviously still doing other things like making dinner etc) and I’ve noticed in the past that’s my habit. On a day that I’m creative it will occupy me literally all day but I couldn’t do that every day or even more than once or twice a week.
That said, I’m really pleased with the progress I’ve made in the past week and I think that the morning pages idea is a really good one. If I’ve woken with something stupid running around my head I get it down on paper and then it isn’t there anymore.

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Yes, I’m always a big proponent of making things work for me because there are just some days where I can’t do everything and I resent programs that don’t make room for this

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I’m in! I’ve had the book for years but I’ve yet to complete it. It’ll be good to work through it with others.


Hey Karen, welcome to TS! So happy you decided to join us :blush:

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Had a busy weekend with some family in town, but going to start tomorrow! :heart:


I’m learning to crochet as I’d like to make a hanging string bag in order to hold this baked form I made last week. I totally lost track of time working on this in the morning and consequently had my breakfast about an hour later than usual.


wow i love this!!! amazing :heart_eyes:


Week 1 started today for me! I’ve done my morning pages for today and started on the other writing prompts for this week. will probably check in later as things progress :slight_smile:


also one more thing - anyone have some recommendations for artist dates that don’t cost money? (or very little money) i can easily go and spend $$$ on art supplies just for the thrill but i want to make a big point to be frugal.


I went thrift shopping but not sure how frugal that turned out to be, but I did get a couple of balls of the string I used for the crochet. Thrift shops just aren’t always that cheap nowadays though.
I’ll be going to see an exhibition tomorrow that is free, so that’ll be good.
I think just going for a walk with my headphones on and getting the phone camera out will be a good one for me too.
A beach walk, or forest walk are all possibilities.


definitely good ideas! i’m attending a film class later tonight maybe i can count that as my date. and taking a long walk can never be overestimated!


Taking a hike!
Going to a gallery!
Cooking or baking something new?
I just take it as something that I would do by myself that is playful and requires/feeds the imagination


I’ve even gone nude sunbathing by myself when it was nice. Or watching water fowl at the canal