The Coffee Shop ☕️ (Part 1)

Please tell me this didn’t happen in America!! :flushed::scream:


It was tragic. :rofl: I was staying in a hotel in St. Louis and they only had decaf in the room. I muddled through and had two large caffeinated coffees later. I did get a tiny headache which I will attribute to lack of caffeine but I lived to tell the tale. :grimacing::coffee::rofl:


Good morning!

I’ve been wanting to get on this thread with an actual cup of coffee for myself, but I haven’t been able to because coffee usually gives me acid reflux like symptoms. :cry:

Anyhow, I’ve found a way to have coffee!! (Fucking finally :joy:) I don’t know if there’s any scientific proof or basis for this, but for some reason if I freeze my coffee and have it with oatmilk, I don’t really get any symptoms. And yes, I’m that desperate to have a cup of coffee sometimes. I love the taste.


That is cruel and unusual; I’m so glad you’re still with us! :+1::grin:


Yeah I should really take a few shots of the garden before its past it’s best and post them in the gardening thread. Thanks for the jump start into action @anon9289869 :full_moon_with_face:


@Milele !! Glad you could join us :hugs:

I feel like there is definitely some science to that. I know for me if I’m having coffee and I’m not going to eat for a good while that I opt for cold brew and it tends to be easier on stomach.

I’m not sure if it’s true but the manager at the first coffee shop I ever worked at used to say that adding milks or cream helps the caffeine be more slow release instead of an “immediate punch to the gut.” Of course he always said as more of a :coffee: :poop: joke

I feel like I haven’t seen you around the forum much at all lately. How have you been?


Thank you @anon9289869 for the welcome! :relaxed:

There we go! I’m sure we’re not the only ones whose had cold coffee easier on the stomach! Maybe the molecules of the coffee break down more easily? :woman_shrugging:t2: However it may be, I’m enjoying this! :raised_hands:t3:

And yeah, thanks for asking! My mum passed away this summer and I had COVID about a month ago. Other than that I’m doing ok! And in the midst of all the paper work and the aftermath of my mum’s passing, there are some silver linings in my horizon. They are a bit uncertain, so I’m sort of unable to share them yet, but once I know more, I’ll definitely share about them!


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that :disappointed:

Covid really just keeps making those silent rounds. I hope you’re feeling better now and don’t have any of those long term symptoms.

Oohhh silver linings?! That is good! I’ll have to remember to keep a look out for when you are able to share more about that. Hopefully it’s not all too stressful and you’re taking time to care for yourself. :yellow_heart: :blush:

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He has made each one of us beautiful when we were ready!


The sun just peaked out! Y’all getting another photo of my mug now cuz the crystals are throwing rainbows all over my kitchen. :sun_with_face:

Sending a good morning coffee shoutout to @anon29496718 :coffee: :black_heart: I hope you’re doing well today my dear


I am I LOVE with your mug! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: happy Wednesday :relaxed::black_heart:


Mornin’ ya’ll!

@anon9289869 Thank you. Mum will be missed. :heart: And yes, I’ll post somewhere about my silver linings. :wink:

I’ve got a mental health peer support gig today at the psych ward. They asked me to talk about self-esteem, self-image, and everyday routines. I’m gonna get ready for that.


I could get used to this life being off work, what an enjoyable week I’ve had. My thoughts today are…is an apricot slice one of my five a day?
Enjoy your days.:grinning:


Oh dear, that poor guy drowning in your cup. I hope you slurped it down fast enough :joy:

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:rofl::rofl: it’s better than me drowning in a glass of beer. I’m feeling good today @SassyBoomer . I’ve got a lot of jobs done before the rain comes and I’m back at work next week. Will miss lazing about with TS.


Just put this Greek guy into his bath and drank his yellow bathwater :rofl:
Souvenir from Greece from a collegue.


Mudwtr chai mixed with my coffee and a splash of coconut milk

@Milele that sounds like such an awesome and fulfilling gig! How often do you do that sort of thing?

@Leveller your garden space looks like such a perfect relaxing spot for morning coffee! :blossom: :tulip: :yellow_heart: :coffee:


Oh yeah, they’re really fulfilling! I feel like I get to process my mental health recovery every time. I usually just tell my life story, but this one was different, because they asked on a specific topic, which was a first for me. I usually do about one to two a month, and then we have these training and refreshment days about four times a year, and we get to stay in hotels. Gotta love these perks!

Oh btw your chai looks amazing! :yum:

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@SoberWalker that’s brilliant. :rofl: @anon9289869 that’s a snazzy mug, please dont use the C word I’m a Tea drinker :grinning: I do have the odd cup of coffee, we have one of them Bosh machines that uses pods. I maybe have 2 or 3 a week. It is a nice place to sit and it’s the first year I’ve done it.
It really does feel like I’ve been away on holiday this week. Hope I dont come crashing down to earth with a bang on monday morning… take care coffee and tea people.:+1::full_moon_with_face:


Still one of my favorite mugs! :heart_eyes::black_heart: