The Coffee Shop ☕️ (Part 1)

He’s waiting for MY coffee :smiley_cat:



Ih thats too adorable :heart_eyes:
Waiting ever so patiently

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Well it’s not really morning here, but I’m a Swede we have multiple coffe breaks during the day. So this is my evening/supper coffee.

Couldn’t show the entire mug in one pic,so had to do three. It’s just one of the multiple ones on my collection. Unfortunately my entire family have a thing for coffee/tea mugs so we have special assigned lines in the kitchen cabinet for each one of us. :joy:


Thats an awesome mug! looking forward to seeing the others in your collection :slight_smile:

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Im good chaotic :wink:
Whats yours?

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Guess I’m boring at neutral neutral :neutral_face:

I want to see evil chaotic :imp:

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This morning coffee, in my favorite of all favorites mug. I only use it when I’m not going to work, like now on vacation. It’s huge and made of metal, and keeps the coffee warm for a very long time.


This comes to mind :sweat_smile:


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I was just on my way to my kitchen and had to take a crowbar to a copperhead but I got my coffee :coffee: tgif!!! Gotta love country living.


Yikes- well im sure that woke u up

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I’ll probably never sleep in my house again lol. I decided to go to my porch where it’s safe to drink my coffee.

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Neutral Good here,every time I’ll check no matter the chart. Can’t help it. :smiling_face:


This mornings coffee mug. From our wedding day a few years ago just when I stopped drinking for the first time,my first sober wedding day ever.
The print has started to chip because it’s been used so much.
And today I’m here again, it’s our wedding day today and I’m sober.
Don’t look as good or thin as in that picture but I feel a lot better. More confident and much more certain about what I need to do.
Maybe my husbands attitude of “Don’t like me F**k off, problem solved” finally has spilled over on me. Or maybe it’s just age and all the sober time behind me, before the last relapse that made me that way.
Maybe it’s time for a new wedding day picture and a new mug. :smiling_face:



Happy Anniversary!!!
I think you look fantastic then and now. Embrace the confidence and always have the fuck off attitude for those who may make you think otherwise

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Happy Saturday
Got this while I wait for my coffee. :white_check_mark:

Me searching for room service coffee memes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Room service brought me some weak ass shit. But it looks pretty. Thank God for the espresso machine in the room.
Oh well.
Grateful we made it.
Got the car rental at 12:30 they close at 1
Thanks for keeping me company last night.


ah man looks good - enjoy your daily fruit bowl - sorry coffee is weak. That espresso looks amazing! ENJOY- an espresso machine in the room? that’s brilliant!

Glad you were able to get to car rental on time!

in a hurry i found below :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: they really need to work on more coffee room service memes.

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It’s basically a requirement at my age.

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I will have to demand such amenities next time i travel …

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