The Coffee Shop ☕️ (Part 1)

if it does it’s job and tastes good then i’m in :wink:

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I accidentally quit coffee once when I was doing The Whole 30. I say accidentally because I was taking so much out of my diet that I hadn’t noticed that I hadn’t had coffee for three days until a co-worker asked me what was wrong.

I was in retail at the time and near tears but could not figure out why I was so despondent (this word very much applies - see Michael Cera gif for reference below).

My co-worker talked to me for a good twenty minutes until we realized that coffee might be the culprit. I drank a cup and felt like doing a back handspring I was so happy. Never again. :disguised_face::sunglasses::nerd_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Love that show.

I know that about you. Me too.

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omg - i’m glad you figured it out with the help of your coworker – 3 days without coffee!!!
:arrow_down:would be me after 1 day


It was the saddest I can ever remember being and I regularly do battle with depression. My head was too heavy for my body that day. Never again. shudder



i can’t even imagine - i know i’d be sad without coffee but didin’t realize that not drinking coffee would cause sadness (if that makes any sense).

to never being without coffee :heart:
OIP (1)


Love the packaging. :ok_hand:

They say if you want to quit drinking coffee you have to gradually wean yourself off of it slowly.

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That makes more sense. You all will get loads of warning before that ever happens just in case I become a temporary monster. No plans on that at the moment. Stay sober and off the nicotine is enough for me right now. :smiling_face:


When I bought Pumpkin Spiced coffee with me back home from US. It was always from the Great Value brand. Why pay more when the cheaper stuff still does the job and tastes great.

Don’t have the same mindset when it comes to my everyday coffee though. It’s always the same Swedish brand (Arvid Nordquist) and always the Wanyama because it’s the best one, and it helps save Elephants. :slightly_smiling_face:


Same cup again, I saw a Sailor Moon one I absolutely need to have, when we where at the Norwegian border. But it costed like $20 so I couldn’t really justify the price.

Anyway, still drinking coffee even if it doesn’t taste good anymore. Tea just don’t do it in the morning. Even if I love an cup of tea in the evening. I’m out of normal oatmilk so today I tried with chocolate oat milk in my coffee instead. Not healthy but much more tasty.

Besides that, I’m thinking about why people (Especially females) makes me feel unhappy with my self.

Like my new colleague. I absolutely adore her, she’s everything I want to be. And gorgeous,long blonde really flat hair with extensions, really long painted nails, really long lash extensions, and perfectly done makeup. Happy,positive, forward,and just lovley in all ways.

Why is it so hard for me to figure out how to be me? And just be that without excuses or self doubt?

Like Homer on my coffee cup. :joy:


Coffeemug with folklore patterns from the region of Poland I come from (Kaszuby)


I absolutely love this mug. Goofy is my favorite character. I dressed as him for Halloween a few years ago. :smiling_face:

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A huge dog?
What’s even more confusing is that he sometimes seems to be in love with Clarabelle who is a cow.

So I guess there’s no rules in the Disneyverse.

After all we’ve got rats who are MasterChefs, Mice that can sew, and Alien who is a Pet (Stitch) a Zeus that doesn’t cheat,and the best Robin Hood of all times. (Sorry Kevin Costner, you’ve got nothing against that Fox) :smiling_face:


Double shot espresso with a coffee chaser :yum:


Am currently finishing off the half a pot of coffee i made this morning. I dont normally drink this much coffee but i guess i needed it today :sweat_smile:


Well, it’s been a day (You might be able to find it somewhere at the check in thread). And Coffee was very needed.

Love this mug. I need to update my collection to keep up with you.


Don’t judge me.
I don’t usually do instant coffee. But I just took the powerest nap of all naps. 2 solid hours.
Needed a pick me up.

I like this house because I turned the wet bar into a coffee bar. It has filtered water and everything. When I get it cleaned up I’ll show yez. :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: