The Feb29ers (Feb 29th, March 1st)

Today seems to be a hard day for us, remember I was struggling too a couple of hours ago.

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@Jane.c @SassyRocks

Thank you for helping me through this. Iā€™m on day 5. Previously I have only gotten a day or two and once I got to 12 days. That time the kids were staying at my parents house for 2 weeks so i could really focus on me. They stress me out so much.


I hate to wake you when youā€™re in such a different time zone. Maybe we can figure something out. I hope you get back to sleep. :heart:

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Oh screw the time zone and the sleep.

This is more important!


Please respond! Do you need help?

@AnonymousD Iā€™m worried too. Itā€™s been a while since we heard from you.

Maybe we should swap numbers or start some kind of group so we can get notifications faster.

Again, hereā€™s my offer. Send me a private message and I give you my number.

I couldnā€™t have made it without you my fellow Feb29ers!

@Maria @Journey

How are you?? Is there anything you need?

Glad you are working thru it and have support. Some days are harder than others for sure. 5 days is great!!! Keep building those sober muscles!!!

Kaitlin many of us here have found that when a craving hits if you donā€™t entertain the idea of having a drink then you can just ride the crave wave and they will often go within ten minutes. If you doubt your ability to go without and think about drinking then that craving turns in to a full on compulsion to drink which can last for hours and is much harder to beat.
Also have you all heard of H.A.L.T? If you get an intense craving ask yourself are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? You will often find that you are at least one of those and is no reason to drink and can be remedied by having something to eat or having a nap etc. :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses: Another sober day in the bag for you all, your all doing great. :+1:


I just ordered the Annie Grace book, it should be delivered on Monday.


Sorry for delay. Was at work.

No!! I didnā€™t know Outlander is based on books!! Iā€™ll have to check them out!!

Hope youā€™re having a great day!! Itā€™s so great being in this group!!

Have you signed up for the free thirty day Annie grace alcohol experiment? I get an email from them every night I havenā€™t read one of them yet as alcohol wasnā€™t my doc, taking part in it has helped a lot of people in this forum and they have all recommended it to others. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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It was rough, but I did it anyway.

How are you keeping up?

Not yet, but thanks!

I bought the audiobook this morning and am already intrigued. Has anyone accessed the online forum?

My thing is Iā€™m not quite ready to stop drinking (shame on me), but I want to listen to the book so that maybe it helps me get there. Would listening to it first while not engaging in the challenge ruin the AHA moments for me?

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A lot of people were still drinking whilst they read the book and found that it served to strengthen their resolve for when they were ready to stop.
When are you thinking that you are wanting to stop drinking? It would probably defeat the object of doing the online challenge but I would go ahead and read the book. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I would say I definitely need to give it another go in the next week or two, hopefully sooner than later. Iā€™m definitely right at the doorstep as Iā€™ve been trying to chip away at getting here since the beginning of the year.

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In that case then I would suggest that you read the book and sign up for the thirty day experiment as the folks I know who have done so all have said that it completely changed the way they look at alcohol, itā€™s been a valuable and important first step for the majority of them. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I agree! This time zone difference sucks! Buuuut that also means like 24/7 support from one of us!!