The Feb29ers (Feb 29th, March 1st)

Checking in! It’s been a hell of a day, I’m leading a full day of training tomorrow (piloting a new session) and I am tired AF. Also have a commitment tonight that will go until at least 9:30… I just want to crawl into bed now lol. Glad to hear about successes again, and glad everyone could support @SoulSearcher today!!

@Sunsw686 Yes!!! There are at least 8 in the series and
they are SO good!!! As good as the show is, the books are better.

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@Journey1 Long days can be hard but at least it’s keeping you distracted today! Try and get some rest tonight so you can kick butt tomorrow in training! :heart: What time zone are you in? I’m East coast US.

I’m in CST. Its 1930 now

Oh, on top of that I’m signed up for a course tomorrow night 6-9, then 9-430 saturday and sunday. Same with next weekend. No rest for the wicked??. . But it will keep me on track for a couple weekends in a row… Good timing!

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I am am glad to hear there are some Outlander fans here!!! I binge watched that up until this past season… mmmmmm… I’m working on The Ranch, but there is so much drinking it’s ridiculous… gotta be careful especially now.

I’m sorry you had a rough day. Sigh…

Sending good vibes for a better tomorrow…:purple_heart::heart::yellow_heart::blue_heart::green_heart:

I’m hanging in there. Back to work. Staying busy. Bought a used elliptical machine. I rearranged my bedroom tonight so I could squeeze it in. :woman_facepalming:

Yeah, I’m not ready for squats so I’ll give some cardio a try. Lol

I signed up for the 30 day Alcohol Experiment this morning. I still need to read the books though.

Just keeping busy and trying my hardest to ignore this massive craving. :weary:


Is there a thread on here that discusses alcohol use presented in the media and on TV? I do find it obnoxious that seeing shows where alcohol use is regular, not related in a positive or negative light, but just as “normal” helps perpetuate the idea that “everything is ok”.

Not that know of, sorry!

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Wow ladies. you supported each other through some heavy shit. God for you @SoulSearcher! you described your trigger and reaction so welll! and you sit it out. as @anon13078412 said. you build the sober muscle. thakes perseverence to reach out at such moment. For me that would be hard. hope you have a good night.

As for the Annie Grace, I would like to start with the 30 day experiment as wel…

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I have a lot to share but inflammation in hands so typing is getting difficult (frustrating) but today is my birthday. now yesterday my aunt called to come over. like a miracle… I have been thrown out of the family 16 years ago when my dad (a drunk who abandonned us) was not welcome at funeral of my grandma. and we kids had just already lost our mom at young age. so standing up against bulling family I was cast out and ignored and hated (really… adult people) for 16 years. I moved to amsterdam like al withces do that are expelled by church. and now when I moved back and confronted with the situation again I decided it is time to break it open. and now. both my aunt and dad are coming for my birthday. I think I had 3 heart attacks in the night. hahaha. So only need to survive today and not go into the beat up child mode that I was as a kid. (i freeze and when amongst family become that little pleasing kid again that has no self worth whatsoever)

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Good morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA :birthday::tada::heart::rose:
Thank you for sharing your family story, you are a strong powerful birthday girl!

Please check in at least at night and tell us how you are doing! All the best :heart:


Me too, I’ll sign up for it today!

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jeah CAKE!!! LOVE Cake!!! My biggest present was that the dog did not stress shit over my white walls during the night. did you get through to the new day ok?

I think you and your dog just have to adjust to your new living situation, like a couple when they move in together :joy:

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Hello guys @Maria @SoulSearcher
Sorry fell asleep . Im okay just a rough night :heart:

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I’m so relieved to hear from you :heart:. Congratulations staying strong :muscle:,


Thanks so sorry for worrying you guys it was just so close actually openned a beer but pouring it out just after


Whether you like it or not, you’ve made some new friends who care about you :wink: