The Hero's Journey Begins

Hi All, I am 62 days Alcohol and Drug free. I am back in Australia and today has been rough.
Jet lagged, adjusting to living alone again in a crappy rental house I only saw for the first time. My stuff is everywhere. No fridge. No food in the house. Saw my kids after 2 months. My son was happy to see me. My daughter was very awkward. Prob as a result of my drunk behavior the last time I saw her.

But I will go to bed sober tonight.


Welcome back!

You are sober. You have a roof. You have a salvageable relationship with your kids. You have a plan to stay sober today.

So many of us don’t have these conditions, these things. Grab onto your gratitude and it will serve you well!


It’s a base to build from, it will get better.
Must have been difficult and emotional to see your kids after such a long time. It’s a bit like the same as your house: not perfect but a base to build on. Give it time and your care and both will grow :seedling:

Big hug :people_hugging: Because I know it’s easier said then done :blush:
Welcome home :heavy_heart_exclamation:


You learned the tools. Now you’ll have to do it outside rehab. Good luck. We are here for support


Welcome home. Sorry about no fridge and food. Maybe that be the first priority. Great you saw kids. Time may heal past events. At least that is what I pray for my relationship. I do see glimmers of hope from time to time. Stay strong and keep letting us know how you are


Good Points. The self pity train isn’t going to stop here.

I accept this isn’t where I want to be, but it’s where I am…for the time being. God has me right here and right now for a reason.


This is a super affirmation. God is working on you and if you keep following his instructions you will see an amazing life unfold.


It’s not where you want to be but it’s closer then you will be while in active addiction from one Aussie battler to another you got this cobber material things w come and go but recovery is something we have for life if we choose. It’s awesome you got to see ya kids again I was the same with seeing my kids for the first time in years and I got the same reaction one was so glad to see me the other was sceptical cos of the person I was on addiction she’s realised as I have I’m not that person anymore and our relationship is great it does take time and it does suck for a while but just think how much strong we become getting through shit times like this


Thanks Daggy. That’s a great reply you shared. So true and very applicable to my current situation. Bless you


Thanks Tailee, gotta have a positive mindset. In my devotion yesterday there was some words about going through tough times and waiting on the Lord to deliver the blessings He promised. Whatever they may be.


Thanx mate I just give out the advice I think I’d want to hear sorry not what I’d want to what I need to hear that’s why I love communities like this so many like minded ppl here for the same thing there’s no judgment just acceptance and love


“One day at a time” isnt just a quote we all use. Its the way we have to live. Sometimes “one day at a time” turns into “one minute” or “one second” at a time. And thats okay. You seem determined. You got this!


Thanks my friend. It’s my third day back in Australia and I’m mentally prepared for the road ahead. I am sober today.

Have linked in with ongoing drug and alcohol services.

Still pottering around my place to try and clean sort through stuff. I know what my goals are and I’m determined to achieve them insofar as I have any control in them. Most of the heavy lifting is done by my higher power.

There are those still wounded and upset by wreckage I’ve caused. The best thing I can do is apologise and change my life for the better. I can’t dwell in my past though. I have to forgive myself and move forward.


Welcome home brother

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Thank you Seb

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Hopefully you found some food. Haha. Sending good energy your way.


Feeling tired, lonely, hungry and cold. I broke up with my partner last night. It’s funny b/c when I pretty much have nobody, apart from my sponsor, you’d think I’d be desperate. But it hit me last night and confirmed what I’ve known for a while which is that she isn’t good for my recovery. Way too much stress and drama


You’ve got a steady outlook. You got this! :heart:

If that’s what’s best for you recovery is a selfish time mate which is where I’m struggling with it all cos that what my addiction caused was selfishness now I’m in recovery I don’t want to be selfish anymore but I have to which does my head in

We have to be selfish when it comes to protecting our sobriety. Nothing is more sacred. Without it we have nothing.