The Hero's Journey Begins



How ya doing today? @Aussie_Tiger

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Hope your feeling better and have some food @Aussie_Tiger youā€™ve got this

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Hi Everyone. Thanks so much for checking on me.

Today is Sunday, July 20 here in Melbourne. I had a long gratitude list this morning and enjoyed the morning devotion with my mom and dad (via face time).

I am getting ready to go for a run at the gym and have a shower and massage before watching my kidsā€™ footy matches. Then hanging out with my sponsor.

I start back to work tomorrow and that will give me plenty to focus on for a lot of the day.

Bless you all.


Im so glad to hear your feeling better and things are looking up good luck at the footie I hope they winā€‹:soccer::grin:

Australian Rules.

This is the first time Iā€™ve shown my face around other parents and itā€™s very humbling. So much wreckage Iā€™ve caused in the last 20 years. Hurting myself and others. I donā€™t know what to do next in life. No easy answers. Donā€™t know how to repair all this.

It feels very heavy to have all my family back in the US who love and support me, but to be in Australia where my kids are who have been hurt by my addictive behaviours. Very few friends and a second serious relationship that has also failed. Self pity is frowned upon, but I am nearly 50 and feeling lonely once again and scared and with so much regret over the pastā€¦which I canā€™t change.

Things could be worse believe it or not. These are some hard days. But I must find strength in my higher power. Trust that better days lie ahead. That I can repair my relationship with my kids. All of this takes time and patience. God will work his miracles in me in his own time and in his own ways.

I can see so many excuses to use again, but my inner savage is fighting back. Telling me to calm the F down. Work my program and refuse to live a small life. To be patient and persistent. To trust that good things await. So much will be revealed in the next few months. God help me.


How are you enjoying the Melbourne weather @Aussie_Tiger ?
Whoā€™s your AFL team?

Lolā€¦the weather is :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::cold_face::wind_face:
My footy team is Essendon Bombers

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Was shocking yesterday.
Iā€™m a Hawks fan despite growing up very close to Windy Hill.

First time Iā€™ve heard that - itā€™s very empowering!


Hi All, an update on my court stuff.

Orders against me pertaining to my partner have been reduced from no contact to canā€™t be around protected parties if Iā€™m drug or alcohol affected. I can return to premeses with prior permission as long as not drug or alcohol addicted.

With my kids, my ex-wife and I have agreed to some very manageable conditions that expire in November. Again, no booze or drugs basically.

So grateful to the man upstairs for helping me with all this. For taking care of all this. A pathway exists for redemption. But God is watching me. Which is good. Iā€™m accountable to Him at the end of each day.


This is such positive news. I am happy for you. God does answer prayers and guide those who listenā€¦

Thanks for update.

The sober path can be rocky at times but the journey can so awe inspiring.


Really great news! God is indeed great!


Sooo glad to hear that things are getting better for you @Aussie_Tiger,and such a humble post .our higher power does for us what we could not do for ourselves :wink:

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Thank you my friend. Bit by bit. Day by day. My next goal is to reach 100 days soberā€¦taking it one day at a time.


Iā€™m 2 days away from 90 days. I feel more positive and hopeful than I ever anticipated; especially given my life is swirling chaos around me. I am like the green oak leaf attached to the strong tree in a gail. I am blowing in the wind and not resisting. Moving with flow.

Very grateful to have attended my daughterā€™s dance competition today. Flew to Adelaide from Melbourne and showed up for her. Forced myself to get out of comfort zone and chat with other parents who are most likely familiar with the wreckage Iā€™ve caused. I made sure to be pleasant and respectful towards ex-wife. Lots of smiles. Did all this gratefully sober.


Oh I am so happy for you. I am so glad you got to go and was such a positive event. I will be here to celebrate 90 days with youā€¦.

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@Aussie_Tiger congrats :partying_face:Youā€™ve all got such beaming smiles, this makes me happy ā€¦.so glad your feeling soo good :heart:

That is Awesome AUSSIE!