The Hero's Journey Begins

I am 100 days AF today. I didn’t think I could make it several weeks ago. Grateful to God first and foremost but also to you fine people who encourage me and lift me up. Who reply to my posts and give thoughtful, insightful and helpful words. I could not have done it without you.

To AA, my sponsor and the people I’m meeting in there and the inspirational stories they have. To my drug and alcohol counsellor and group therapy that adds to my toolkit. To my family without whom I would still be adrift and either dead, in the hospital or in jail.

I am grateful in the utmost to be dwelling in the calm eye of the storm amidst the hurricane of life. I have hope in my heart and focus in my mind. Thank you all. I look forward to continuing on until the next milestone.


Congratulatins on this 100 days! Keep the hope and the focus!

Congratulations on reaching 100 days. Should be 102 by now.

It is my friend. 102 days

I am starting AA proper this week. Beginning the 12 steps with my sponsor on Friday. Got my big book.


I am so glad. I love my AA group. Sobriety is changing my life to be so much better. Keep up and stay strong my friend.