The life of me (Part 1)

Well you’ve certainly got a lot of snow now :joy: What do the dogs think of it?

The boys like it. The little one not so much

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Wow! It looks so fancy in the app now. I swear it didn’t look like this yesterday :joy: hope everyone is well. Not much happening here other than pre surgery stuff and our pipes busted last night so plumber is coming today. I’m just hoping for the best case scenario but trying to mentally prepare for the worst


Oh no! I hear the weather in the States has been nuts. I hope you’re doing ok & the dogs are safe :innocent: Take care!

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It’s insane. We don’t even have the worst of it. Still waiting for the plumbers but they are busy as you can imagine. Hopefully it’s just the 1 pipe. When we moved from is nuts. My friend had to walk to the store because the roads aren’t drivable and the rolling power is crazy.

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Luckily the plumber wasn’t expensive and it was an easy fix. Finally had some sun so was able to get a good long run in but my hips aren’t happy about to today because of that week off for the snow. AND Got the hubs the cutest thing from amazon

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Is that… a container for carrying an emergency supply of sriracha?

Lol yes!! He loves that stuff. It was like $10 for the 3 and he was so happy

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Pleasure in pain :joy:

Now that there is a journal aspect of the app I’m wondering if I should discontinue my thread. It’s not like there is super important stuff on this thread. Idk.

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Your call. You can write here or on the journal - the important thing is it helps you :innocent:

I would be grateful for pictures of dogs :smile:

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Well surgery was today and I’m still alive and in a good amount of pain. Hope everybody is well


ouch. At least it’s over and you can work some physical healing & get back to something that works. Are you still working during your healing or did you get some time off?

I have some time off. Almost 2 weeks off and then I’ll have to do half days until I can sit all 8 hrs. Right now I look like a football player. Huge brace and padding with an ice machine. The doctor told the hubs it was worse than the imaging showed. I’ll be having a follow up in a week.


Take this time to rest and really recover. You deserve it. It’s a hard time yes but a good opportunity to heal :innocent:

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Thought I’d check in and let everyone know surgery went well. As expected I’m pretty sore, bruised and stiff in that area. It’s been 4 days and I’m feeling ok. My main concern is keeping it safe to heal right now. The hubs has been my rock and has taken such good care of me. I’ve mostly just been laying around and I think tomorrow I’m gonna try to get up and about the house a little more. I’m not good at laying around lol


If your failure is in laying around, I’d say you’re doing pretty good in life! :joy: I’m glad the surgery went well. Take care & take it one day at a time. Be gentle with yourself :innocent:

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Was able to sit at the computer for 6 hours today for work. Calling that a win. Back to the couch with my fox



Congratulations - enjoy your rest with the fox. That kinda free heat is hard to come by :innocent:

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Today was difficult. Had my follow up with The doctor today about my surgery. She said that once they got into my shoulder there was so much more wrong than they could see on the x-ray or the MRI. Originally, the doc thought it was my ligaments and my ac joint. Which it was, however this is how she listed it. My rotator cuff was 50% torn, grade 4 ac separation (it’s the worst grade), all the ac ligaments were torn, my labrum (sp?) was partly torn (which is what was making my bicep hurt and how I got diagnosed with just inflammation in my bicep at first), and all my cushion stuff is gone around the joint. I already knew this was going to be a long recovery but she confirmed. She said it was one of the most damaged shoulders she has seen. That I will have arthritis for the rest of my life and I will probably need a shoulder replacement in 15 or 20 years. I have been fighting the urge to drink since I left the doctors office this morning I have reached out to my trainer and my husband and mother-in-law everyone that I can think of. I’m not drinking but I just want to so bad. I feel like my dreams of fitness or just being crushed