The life of me (Part 1)

Good for you Jenn! Sounds like a delicious dinner & a good run. Keep it up!

:nauseated_face: smoked for about 20 years, also. Gave it up with Alcohol almost 4 years ago. I still feel like my lungs aren’t as good as they could be, but they are definitely better than they were.

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I’m super proud of myself today. Had to work today and team communication is still terrible. I made the decision to call my bosses boss (we have all worked together for almost 7 years) We had a good conversation and there is now a plan of action on how to make communication more efficient. I also set boundaries with my other coworker than fuels my negative attitude. She was very respectful and is helping me be positive and as a result she seemed more positive today. About to get a bike ride in. I saw where you can stream garmen videos on YouTube so you are virtually doing the ride and getting to see the sights.


Cool! Sounds like you really took action to be sure you get what you need (at work and in exercise). I’m happy for you Jenn. There’s so much power in speaking up and communicating proactively, and really searching & knowing you can get what you need. I’m happy you found it!


^ What @Matt said. It looks like a good day of making shit happen, and taking control of the things you can.


Well I couldn’t get a good system for the video play so I went for a run. Had some traffic get in my way and slowed my pace down but it overall it was a good run and a good day. My only goal for tomorrow is to stay positive and I’ll probably get a bike ride in cause I think it’s suppose to get cold here overnight. I hope y’all had good days today


I certainly did! Had a wonderful walk today through the woods near my house. There were people skating & playing hockey on the pond:

It was a perfect afternoon. We met some friendly folks too. The whole community was out walking around :innocent:


I can understand why. Looks like a gorgeous day.

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Overall I would say today is a decent day. Might take a rest day today but I might do an easy bike ride in a bit. Who knows lol
I am feeling sad and helpless about my friends situation.
Backstory:We have been friends for a while and when we lived back in Texas me, the hubs, her and her family all hung out. We would do cookouts, lake days, going to the pool hall etc. Her kids call me and love me like an aunt. But can you guess the 1 ingredient we had at all our events. Yup, that alcohol was always around. Her husband is like me shots, shots and more shots until either blacked out or belligerent. So we got along well lol. I don’t want to go into detail about her story but his drinking has gotten worse and she is in an almost impossible situation. He seems to have changed. The person she is describing is not the person I knew. I’m worried about her and the girls. And there isn’t much I can do but be an ear and support them emotionally.


Jenn I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. It is so hard when a man is losing himself in addiction (as it sounds like he is here) and he’s taking his partner and kids down with him. I’m sorry your friend is going through that.

For her, there is the national women’s health hotline as a starting point to refer her to support:

For him - and this needs to be something he wants to address - there is the SAMHSA national helpline for referral to addiction recovery supports:

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. We’re here for you if you want to talk.


Boy. It is rough watching our loved ones slip down that slope. I hope he can catch himself and figure it out before he does too much damage.
Just be sure to be there for both of them. Maybe even reach out to him specifically and ask him how he’s doing?
Remember your sobriety depends on you, your actions, and how you respond to these situations. Using will do nothing to help anyone, but if you stay strong you may be able to be a beacon for him.


Also, while you should be there for them, his battle isn’t your battle. You have to keep your own emotions in check amd not let his issues bring you back down.


Honestly I don’t think anything I say will help him. Without going into private details shit is bad and if I could get her and the kids an apt right now I would. I’m planning a trip to see my family and everyone back in Texas in a few months and I told my husband I don’t think I can even go to their house without getting into it with him or being peer pressured into drinking. Hell he used to be my drinking buddy. I think he is to the point of in patient care. I’m almost positive his body can’t handle a cold turkey quit. My husband and I talked a lot about it before work this morning and I’m doing my best to give emotionally support. He has refused couples counseling and quitting drinking. It’s a huge mess. I know I can’t let it derail me but I am a little concerned with my trip. I’m hoping having some more time under my belt will make my will power better. I know that’s been a huge asset in quitting cigs.

On the other hand, the entire situation makes me thankful for the man I picked to be my husband. (There’s a story lol, we will get to it one day) we have problems but we are getting better at communicating. Me and the hubs had a disagreement last night but worked it out and went to bed not angry.


I will keep this handy in case they reach out to me for that kind of help. You always have such useful info


Glad to help Jenn. :innocent: If you do drive there, can you bring someone with you to be a support? A friend? Your husband maybe?

Alternatively you can build in some backups. Once on a trip one of the men in my recovery group & I had an arrangement for me to call him at scheduled times to check in. It helped him maintain his sobriety on the trip.


That’s a really good idea. I’ll talk to the hubs about it. He can’t go with me this round because of our dogs (also a story). He is staying to take care of them. I have a few of the people I’m visiting on the trip that know about the extent of my drinking and I’ve already reached out to them but they have been aware for a while. I know deep down I just have to say no. When I set my mind to something I general get it done. The hubs just watches :joy: I also have in person meetings there I can go to. I have 2 months to work out a plan.


Beauty! Yeah the great thing about AA is no matter where you are you’re never far from a meeting. Sounds like a plan. Stay safe & stay sober - because that’s the only way you can help yourself & help others. Take care Jenn :innocent:

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Hey Jenn what are the names of your dogs? I love the dogs in your profile pic, they’re adorable. Like a giant and an elf :smile:

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One hour at a time this is my 4th day as well stay strong and just think of all the negatives that happened while drinking that seems to help me whenever I feel the urge


The big one is my fox :fox_face: he goes by a few name lol. The small one is my Haley Jane and not picture is slim shady

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