The little thread of Sunshine ☀️ (with a chance of rain) #2

What’s cbd oil hun ? X

It’s oil derived from the Marijuana plant but doesn’t contain THC (the bit that makes you high).

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No shame there! That’s why doctors exist - to help. I’ll be discussing other options with my doctor at my next appointment.

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Thanks for those well wishes. Unfortunately it’s cloudy, dreary and sleepy :sleeping: here at work. My work day is just starting and I’ve nothing much to do. I’ll be going round to my coworkers asking if they need any help with their work. I can’t just sit at a desk all day long! I will lose my mind. :crazy_face:

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Just got back from doctors. All is great! I am home now and I am going to eat & take a nap because I am still tired :slight_smile:


I am. It’s a comfortable sensation


Good evening sunshine people :heart:
Hope you are all great. It is almost weekend :grinning:


Good evening everyone. Home fed and watered and ready to chill. Day off tomorrow :blush:


That’s exactly the same for me, lovely feeling isn’t it. Makes you want to swagger with no effort. :joy:


Absofrigginlutely :grin::+1:

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Yeah off tomorrow then back in Saturday. That’s my 5 day week :roll_eyes:

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No not really . Just housework and cooking and maybe shopping for a pair of boots !! Oh I live a crazy life you know :rofl:

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Very true words indeed Conor :blush::+1:

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Just got back from a delicious lunch at a new Chinese restaurant. So very yummy. Now I’m stuffed to the brim and even more sleepy with a full belly. Bored at work again. Hope you all have a lovely evening!


That’s what I’m leaning towards. There’s a storm coming in too so it’s getting darker outside (at 2pm) which makes it even harder to stay awake!

@crystalclear hugs to you… What about some coffee? And some exercise like stretching your legs or arms while at work? I find this to be helpful sometimes… Or just get out to the fresh air for 5 minutes to regain some energy :muscle:

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@Eva3 how are you? How are things going? Just wanted to give a shout out to you :blush:

We went out for lunch for an hour this afternoon which was nice. We just had a storm front come through though and it’s raining now. So no going out for me. I walked around the office a bit and talked to my coworkers. Just an hour and a half left now. I’ll make it!


Yay. Work almost done. Happy for you :grinning:

Evening peeps! :slight_smile: