The Metaphysical Properties of Crystals and Recovery 🔮

Nice and exactly the same! Are you are going to collect stones in it as well? :star_struck:


Yeah, that’s the plan!! I’ll pop a picture up when I get it mounted. It’s going to look great I reckon :+1:


Oh man! That’s a great find. I’m envious!



Found a local gem shop on our weekend break. The children picked a gem each and the owner gave them a piece of copralite for free each and wrote on a card what gem they bought and the one she had given them. ‘dinosaur poop!’.


But the picture shown isn’t the copralite isn’t it? Looks like Citrine to me?
Funny, kids always like poop stories :poop: And maybe I do too :hugs::crazy_face:


My girlfriend and I went on a little drive to a crystal shop that is nestled in the woods. This cool little witchy woman lived there in a cabin and she has the most amazing pieces.

I came home with a large piece of Elestial Smoky Quartz. So the Elestial quartz are a blockier in formation, they are pretty cool looking. When I turned this piece over I almost fainted though, it is FULL of triangles on one side. I am not sure how much any of you have studied crystals and the different point types and powers etc. Anyways there is a type of crystal that is called a " record keeper ". They dont come in all crystals, usually only the Quartz group, but I have a couple from the Corundum group too, especially Ruby. So the lore is that the Lemurians filled these crystals with wisdom which can be accessed through meditation with them. This Etheral Quartz is pure magic.

I also for the first time ever was drawn to purchase a shiva lingam stone, a beautiful black one. I guess it’s time…

I have added a photo of what a record keeper looks liek if you are interested in going through your points to see if you have any.


Wow, that is just amazing!! You were called to those for sure!! It is a powerful time right now. :heart:

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Yes I bought a big piece of citrine, my youngest got a little amethyst and my son picked smoky quartz… the copralite is a bit grey /green with black and brown in…


Wow they are incredible pieces :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Oh those are not mine!!! I grabbed those from the web just to show you what a record keeper would look like. The triangles can actually be notched out as well.

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My little collection. Not epic but each little one is meaningful to me. I pick one blindly for my meditations. Sometimes two.
If you would have told me a year ago I’d be meditating I would have laughed. Whomever says people can’t change are severely misguided.


Very pretty collection! I’m super drawn to that heart shaped looking one. What is that?


Thank you Dana :blue_heart: they make me smile

It’s opalite, I really wanted opal- but I’ll have to save up for it. I was drawn to the heart too :heart:


Those triangles are sooooo powerful, I can feel it just looking at those pictures! :heart: Shiva Lingam is a powerful stone too-they have ahhhhhmazing life force energy. Great purchases! :two_hearts:

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She is the size of my palm and pure black.
Honestly, it’s incredible.

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I’ve never seen a black one. That sounds incredible! :heart_eyes:

This is mine :heart:


I hadn’t either, apparently they don’t often leave India.


@MandiH I could never choose when I had all the patterned ones infront of me. I just always said, " I guess it wasn’t meant to be…" , " not my time…" Then she appeared.

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Wooooahhhhhh, that was totally worth the wait!! :heart_eyes: Just GORGEOUS! It feels like it’s got a great grounding vibe to it by what I pick up in seeing it. Yet it radiates life force energy too. So beautiful and intriguing, I absolutely love it! :heart::heart::heart:

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