The night before I quit drinking

Thanks for sharing…l have stories too(man,…do l…smh). That’ll come later. Tried meetings…and well… that didn’t take. For some unknown reason I decided to see if they had an app for support and here l am. Just downloaded it today…and l must say…it looks very promising. Well…who am l kidding I’ve said that before on several failed miserably… Soooo… “one day @ a time” is what they say :roll_eyes:

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Thank you for your story. I crashed and burned in the end in similar fashion. I was a black-out, violent, insane, hopeless drunk. And then finally a year ago I hit that wall and was done. I wish you many sober days, months, and years to come. Peace.lola

I am attending NA meeting now I am clean and sober for 10 days. Now I am in step number one that we are powerless towards our addiction and our life is unmanageable

The night before l stop drinking was as other nights. I wasn’t planning on stopping but my oldest son age 37 helped me.

He encouraged me when l woke up to seek help. Him and l walked about 2 miles in the snow so l could start processing my recovery. I went to a place here in Columbus, Ohio to get detox. This was on February 12 this year and l have been sober every since.

I am thankful for my sponsor but more thankful that God gave me another chance to live. I am very active with AA meetings. I enjoy hearing the stories from others.

Being sober is one day at a time. Ine victory at a time. Staying sober is more than meetings, but it’s a desire to stay clean.

I have that desire now, and may the Lord continue to keep that desire in me


Thank you for sharing. I almost started crying reading this. Today is my first day sober, and im terrified that I’ve been destroying relationships in an attempt to slowly kill myself. This really struck a chord with me

I had one a while back i found in my phone one afternoon i had no idea i took of myself. I was unrecognizable. I deleted it and i wish i hadnt but its still engraved in my brain.