The power of making your bed first thing in the morning

I have recently discovered how powerful making your bed is. It seems like a simple thing, but if you start your day by making your bed, you start your day by doing something good. This gets you in a better mood than if you wouldn’t.
For me, making my bed can make or break my day.

If I start without making my bed, it does not give me motivation. If I don’t have motivation, I don’t wash myself nor brush my teeth. I still lack motivation. If I don’t have motivation, I won’t eat breakfast and will lack energy throughout the day. If I am unmotivated and not energetic, I won’t do my best at school and get tired and become one of those annoying people that doesn’t stop chitchating. If I don’t have motivation and I am tired, I won’t do shit at home and just sit on the couch all day. No Bueno.

If I do make my bed, I’ll feel good and motivated. If I feel motivated I take a shower in the morning and I am more likely to brush my teeth. This gives me more motivation. With motivation I’ll eat breakfast and get sufficient energy. If I am energetic and motivated I will do my best at school and be even more motivated. I will be so motivated that I will finish all my homework and go for a run afterwards. If that happens I will feel great about myself and my self-esteem will increase and I will be less restless at night and get a good night’s rest. If I am well rested I can repeat everything.

If you are stuck in a negative spiral, try making your bed and believe in its power. It won’t automatically mean you will feel great instantly, but the grip you have on yourself will increase :wink:


My bed always gets made every morning, not first thing but after I’ve done school. Xx


I was going to say this is something Yoda can get behind and low and behold he’s here :joy:


Well he was

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as soon as i get out of my bed i make it. my mother would be on my ass as a kid about it. i’m so grateful she was bc it’s the first step in my daily ritual. :heart:


Power of building small good habits can easily become path to stacking good habits.

Making is bed as a concrete form of “one day at a time”, one behavior at a time in the right direction.

As long a you find what good behavior/thoughts/habits make you keep heading north, it is the right one for you.


I walk the kids to school and after that I make all of our beds with nice decoration pillows and all. If I don’t do it, I can’t focus. Like I get no peace of mind. And I can’t sleep (if we don’t count the current sleeping problems I do have) if the sheets hasn’t been shaked outdoors and stretched properly before I go to bed at night.

My husband says it’s all in my brain, but I swear I can feel if someone didn’t make the bed properly. :blush:


I believe there is a meme for this. Lol. Goat ain’t got time for this.

I have never understood how this works for people or why making the bed is something that people strive to do, unless you have a date coming over. Beyond the fact that Goat is barely functional in the morning, this has always seemed like a waste of time when I am going to disappear for 18 hours to come back and rip up the work that did to fall into bed.

For those of you that this works, keep doing it. I just can’t wrap my head around it. Lol


I discovered this 40 years ago, when I moved in with my maternal uncle. He was a Navy veteran and he insisted I keep my room “squared away”, which included a properly made “rack” (bed). This came in handy when I entered the military, especially in bootcamp. Although I didn’t completely avoid the ire of my Drill Instructors, I never had my rack ripped up for being improperly made.

I still make my side of the bed when I wake up. I’d make up my wife’s side, but she doesn’t wake early as I do.

The power of making your bed is that you’re accomplishing something first thing, every day. If I wake up without a hangover, make my bed, and later return to it having been sober all day, I have accomplished quite a bit, I think.


Thats great @anon89207786, I always love your posts.
I too started making my bed every morning after reading Atomic habits.
The idea is that if you do it every day at the same time it becomes an automatic habit and you end up doing it without thinking so then its theoretically the same amount of work as doing nothing!


Made bed = order and calm.

Unmade bed = frantic and hurried.

For me, it sets the tone of the day and ends it in a better place. Takes like 30 seconds and brings some serenity. If I accomplish nothing else, my bed is made.


Im up a couole hours before my wife most days so she typically makes the bed. I take care of it of im the last one up.
Instead of bed making, i go with doing the dishes. There’s nothing quiet like tackeling the pile of dishes in the sink first thing in the morning. I like to have a little music, podcast, or youtube going and it just nakes the day feel right.


I have a great friend and she says “I make my bed every morning, because at least I did one thing today”. That’s always resonated with me


My mom wouldn’t allow us to leave the house until our beds were made. It’s been something I’ve done since I was a kid. Plus who doesn’t love to come home to a nice made bed and curl up under the overs. God :woman_facepalming:t4: now I need a nap lol :joy:


Well said! :+1:

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I’m reading this and realising that I actually make my bed every morning also!! It’s so automatic to me that I have never given it a thought :woman_shrugging:t3: thanks for this Dutchie :+1: :pray:t2::two_hearts:


I too enjoy puttering about in the morning, on weekends, after my morning workout. I’ll cook a big breakfast and get dinner started in the slow cooker. I put the clean dishes away and do any dirty ones that my night owl daughter made during the night.

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Science says it just isn’t who Goat is and Goat has got to be Goat. Also, who can stand the restrictiveness of getting into a made bed? Nothing worse than feeling like you are pined down in bed unable to move. The sheets and blankets need to be free, like Goat!


This was one of the first suggestions made to me in early recovery. My sponsor basically told me everything that you said above.
He also told me that no matter what happens that day, at least I come home to a made bed. It could be the most awfully bad day. But at least I come home to a clean and made bed.

Been doing it every morning for 1,320 days now :laughing:


Every morning I make my bed, pee, brush my teeth, weigh myself, then drink a glass of water. In that order. I started the routine mid summer and it really sets up my day. It feels good.

Sadly my afternoon and evening routines didn’t stick thanks to crazy changes in my life (GOOD ones, but still crazy). I’ll get them back though. I miss my routines.