The Strava thread

Today ny running buddy and I decided to run (and train for, hopefully) an half in October. I’ve never gone that far. Right now I’m babying myself with 35 minute runs and will start to stretch out the times…tomorrow!

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Awesome! When I first started training for a half I used miles as goal markers. Getting to 5 was easy. 6 was a stretch. 7 was really hard. 8 & 9 were a breeze. Then 10 was tough. After 10, the full 13.1 was cake.

That is so helpful and I’ve never heard anyone talk about it that way. Last time I was running regularly, I completed two 10k events and it went okay, though I only came close to 60 minutes. This time I hope to beat 2.5 hours…But frankly that’s so off for the moment.

What do you think about training for a 10k and then picking up training for a half next? Or just get a half training schedule in place now?

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Either would work fine. Training for a 10k would get you up to that distance, then it’s just about continuing on.

Honestly, I’ve never really followed training schedules. I usually just did a long run, a short run, and a tempo run with something moderate sprinkled in, each week.

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With the foreign language, it can’t really interpret the data, but it looks legit!

I put almost 78 miles from 6 pm Friday until 8 am this morning

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I follow. Looks like a good workout!

We can’t wait to have you back! How have you been feeling?

When I broke my tibia I was in a cast for 4 months. I was actually excited to start physical therapy once I was freed from the plaster. The second month is when you will definitely start noticing improvement

Favoring weight training for losing pounds. I still look forward to seeing your activity on Strava though!

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5km tonight, first run in over a month, was hoping I’d get sub 28 and got sub 26 at a steady pace. Knees and calf feel ok. Time to stretch.

Will join this strava thing tomorrow.

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Are you seriously sporting a 4:48 pace there? Elite much, bro?

Yes per km. I would have been quicker but I stopped to change my music but didn’t pause.

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Kilometer I believe, but still quicker than me. Remember us Yanks use that goofy miles system.

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7.49 per mile. Long way to go.

Smoking my ass that’s for sure

7:49 pace. That I can get behind.

Doc in the house! Where’d it start going numb at?

Probably not. Might have been tension in your calves or you’re lacing your shoes too tight.

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M uh laces are pretty loose on my shoes. I never tie them. Just pull them on and off. Trail running does wonders for real ankle stability.

If you stretch your calves make sure you’re stretching with a locked knee and with a bent knee. Lots of people just try stretching the upper muscle with a locked knee and never get the larger Soleus muscle underneath the Gastroc.