The Stupid Polls thread (Part 2)

I thought I looked my age (or younger) until the wave of Botox/fillers etc… I thought it was only for “Hollywood”/models, but nope … it’s like an epidemic here. I refuse to get it.


I found that upon reaching a certain age, lotsa people my age look dead or on their way there. It’s fascinating how old some look and how young others do.


Omg, that’s so funny. My old crazy boss got it and she just looked surprised all the time. And this young girl got her lips done and had chronic duck face. They said I should get it bc I was talking about the deep wrinkle lines in my forehead, and I’m like ‘mmm…nah. getting old is a part of life that I’m fine with’


Here it’s lip fillers, lashes and hair extensions that seems to be the thing. A lot of ladies looks like Barbies.

I’m not sure I get the hype. Wouldn’t say no to look like a Barbie naturally, but those fillers looks too painful to me. The lashes are also gorgeous but everytime I get something in my eye it’s guaranteed to be an eyelash,I can Only imagine how it’ll be to have a bunch of extra. :blush:

  • Truth
  • Dare

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters


3 Sometimes 4, but I prefer flats. Anyone doing 1 nowadays must be rich :rofl: 5 scares me a little.


I know a guy that goes all the way to 6… :flushed:


Worst part of moving:

  • Packing
  • Loading
  • Unloading
  • Unpacking

0 voters


Wicked poll!!! :metal:


To be honest I don’t even know what it is. I’m guessing ? those are chicken wings ? ( I’ve never had one) and I’m guessing the question is how much of the meat you eat off of it.

@Englishd worst part of moving is putting stuff in storage where it stays forever when best thing is just say goodbye to it before you move.


The packing is definitely the worst part. All the other stuff I almost enjoy.

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Agreed! Last time I moved was in 2005. I systematically put things in boxes, but that took too long and I ran out of time. I ended up throwing random stuff in random boxes just to get it done on time. Talk about stress!


I started my work life from 17-27 years of age as a furniture mover, tractor trailer driver. I can tell you of all the thousands of moves I did, packing is the absolute worst…in my professional opinion.
I’d rather slog a 100 boxes of books up multiple flights of stairs all day long then get sent on a pack job… :scream:


I don’t think I’ll ever move again unless there’s a fire… in that case moving will be easy peezy :wink:


I think I look my age, while my body wonders how I’m even upright.


I used to look a lot younger which bothered me as a teenager, less so in my 30s. Recently have definitely aged significantly! Not sure whether it is just the shock of my 40s, I may well still look young for my age but I am genuinely surprised at the grey hair and face staring back at me.

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I’m in the process of it right now. And packing sucks. I can’t believe the amount of shit we accumulated in the last two decades. And her trying to figure out what goes and what doesn’t.


What size TV do you have for your main TV?

(Sorry, options are in inches).

  • No TV
  • 10-20 inch
  • 20-30 inch
  • 30-40 inch
  • 40-50 inch
  • 50-60 inch
  • 60-70 inch
  • 70+ inch

0 voters

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Who’s the better front man for Van Halen
  • David Lee Roth
  • Sammy Hagar

0 voters