The Stupid Polls thread (Part 2)

  • There are two groups in the Mythic Tarot deck, Major and Minor Arcanas
  • All chosen representing portals were from Minor Arcana
  • The Minor Arcana chosen are from the categories Cups, Wands and Pentacles. No Swords chosen, the last and fourth category.
  • There is no hierarchy, Kings are not ‘‘better’’, ‘‘higher’’, etc. than another

Minor Arcanas :

  • represent experiences in four different dimensions or spheres of life
  • they detail on a more personal level the journey
  • Numbered cards: the ordinary experiences of life which come to meet us through events, transactions with others, passing states of mind or feeling.
  • The court cards (King, Queen): embody character types, or dimensions of a perticular part of life that can be portrayed by human figures.
  • Not a gendered thing, but what the court cards represent, but more what energy they have, which is in every person.
  • Court cards may also represent actual people we know or meet in life, appearing in ones life.

Research the card to learn more. Dont worry if its chosen facing side up or down.


I picked the purple portal :purple_heart:. The breakdown feels spot on for what I may be dealing with…so interesting :thinking:



Thank you for the pulls and the exposition of them.


Thank you to everyone who entertained the idea. I was hoping to be useful to all, and realized in return how much this benefited me to get positive feedback and engage in this adventure. I’d been nostalgic for a good choose your adventure.

Thanks :v:


Eight of wands is me. And I felt it.


I too picked the purple portal and this is spot on! Thank you for doing this, I bookmarked it with a reminder. Will definitely be with me for the entire year :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Haven‘t looked into my tarot cards in a while, but I love how they channel my thinking into a direction. Thank you!


I see a ideal for a new thread


What is it?

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Would you tell your boss if they had a visible booger?

  • Yeah, right away, no hesitation
  • No way, I want to keep my job
  • I would subtly hint to the boogs by rubbing my nose
0 voters

What animal hibernates the longest?

  • Bears
  • Yo mama
  • Snail
  • Koala
  • Sloth
0 voters
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:rofl: :rofl: Yo Mama :rofl:

I was waiting for an option of “me” LOL


200w (3)

Snails can hibernate for 3 years!!! This lengthy period of sleep is called hibernation or estivation, and it’s a way for snails to conserve moisture and survive in extreme temperatures.


This is one of the reasons I became an entrepreneur

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lol, yeah me too. I was the boss though. 67% told me 100% of the time… Got to go.

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