The This or That Game

In terms of N64 games:
Or MarioKart?


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Mario, hands down!!

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I just went thru the polls Iā€™ve missed, haha, I am never in the popular opinion category! :grin:

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You and the grimster donā€™t respect the classics.

But I LOVED Heath. And I thought he did a great job!

Iā€™m not saying he didnā€™t. But Jackā€™s version defined a generation of villanary


Itā€™s been a LONG time since I watched the original. Maybe I should do that again!

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Times change, and thank God for that. Else Iā€™d mired in my old ways.

Jack was classic, purely artful as the villain. Heath was a much different version that I happened to thoroughly enjoy.

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Whole bunch of them popped up in my area, seemingly overnight. Blitze bauen.

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Oh I love the classics! I just thought that the dark knight trilogy was better. You have to admit that Batman was the only good one of the 4.

@SmokeyMirror goldeneye all the way!

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Iā€™m baaack. Rockin like 52.something hours of glorious withdrawals.

Android or Apple?


@SweetTea we need your southern sass.


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Android. You go girl, you are brave and Iā€™m glad you are back!


I converted to cat lover two years ago and never looked back!

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Lawd. You were attacked by a pack of feral dogs werenā€™t you? ā€¦only reason I could think of to convert to cat person. Heh.


Hahaha, no I just like an animal that plays hard to get.


Okay, since Iā€™m a D&D geek. I thought this one would be appropriate for this thread. Donā€™t get triggered, guys :roll_eyes:. Which would you choose?

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As a kid I liked the ones that were like Carmel rice crispies dipped in chocolate and oatmeal cream pies. My kids like the cosmic brownies. We eat like 85% organic but little Debbieā€™s are a treat I often cave into for them. Probably due to my own fond childhood memories lol.


I like my soul so I would keep it but the ring looks cool. I wish I could remember stuff from even yesterday easily lol