These will be my last 24 hours on TS(Crazy_Dutchie)

Best wishes to you and your journey!

I respect you alot! You sharing about your addictions here has helped me more than you know.

My obvious problem was drinking. It was literally killing me slowly, leading to an dishonorable, pathetic death. I read one of your threads just as I was stepping back into gaming. You reminded me how addicted I was. It was a drive down memory lane that I needed.

I was getting sucked back into that world again. You helped me see that. I havent gamed since August! :muscle:

I spent nearly a decade obsessed with gaming. I wasted alot of time, and I was flirting with it again. I use my fast gaming PC for processing videos, and photos like I bought it for.

I was addicted to the internet too. I try not to spend all my time online too. Youtube, netflix, all that shit.

Ive been spending my free time hiking, photography, and processing videos. Finally finally found a place I can start painting again too.

Tap into your inner artistā€¦ I bet heā€™s pretty amazing. Art helps me with my anger issues, helps me stay positive!


Take care bud. Itā€™s a tough decision to make but you have a good head on your shoulders so trust your judgment.


Take care crazie dutchie goodluck and i wish you the very best
You will be missed ! :pray:

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Thanks Lisa, I wish you the best of luck with your hubby and on your road of recovery :slight_smile:

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Exactly, just wished his will was something different

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Thanks Sarah. I hope that through my departure Iā€™ll find myself doing more journaling, goal setting and soul searching too. Merry Christmas to you too :slight_smile:

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Oh dammit, I told myself I wouldnā€™t cry. Thanks for being such a big part of my recovery too Heather. It might not have been healthy to follow those zoom meetings from 8pm until 6am, but I enjoyed every single minute of it :slight_smile: and it indeed takes a very good friend to share that title with :slight_smile: . I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Eventhough it likely will be filled with potholes, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to keep control of the steering wheel. Give ca$h money millionaire a pet for me will you :slight_smile:

We havenā€™t known eachother for a really long time, but it was thanks to you I joined my first TS meeting :slight_smile:

Vaarwel Jan, tot ooit nog!

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Thanks Lea. Keep on pushing your way through any bostacle you may encounter. I know you can. Have a blessed new year :slight_smile:

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you too. I hope your sobriety will stick soon :slight_smile: Keep on exploring your creative mind and stay away from that first drink :slight_smile:


Thanks Tomek. I want you to know that you have been one of my key factors for accepting trans people.
Not too long ago I was very transphobic, but no more. Thanks for helping me be more accepting of every single gender out there. I wish you the best too :slight_smile:

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Thanks Danni. Iā€™m glad to have known you the last few months. You have helped me a ton lately. Keep on helping those who need it. Youā€™re good at that. Youā€™ve already taught me more about my ADHD and ASS than any psychiatrist has. Keep on pushing yourself through your many obstacles. I hope the family situation becomes better :slight_smile:

Itā€™s hard. On the one hand itā€™s live saving, but on the other, thereā€™s a lot of risk too it. Especially with the badges. Usually a good idea for a social media, but maybe not for a social media for addicts. I hope youā€™ll able to use TS healthy K :slight_smile:

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God bless you Paul. For a time I thought you were lost, but fuck no. You WILL be one year sober on your upcoming birthday. Keep on rocking mate :slight_smile:

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Thatā€™s fucking awesome :smiley:

Iā€™m glad you have picked up those hobbies. Who knows, someday I might see a photo of you in a national geographic magazine. You have the skill for it. Youā€™re a great photographer :slight_smile:

I should do it more. Iā€™ve been drawing caricatures during boring classes and they helped me from going nuts. They actually stopped me from walking out of chemistry a few times. Thanks for the suggestion


Thanks Derek. Keep on being a great asset to the forum, but donā€™t let anger affect your wisdom as it does from time to time. You have got a long journey of sobriety ahead of you and I know that you will do your best to not just help yourslef stay sober, but also others :slight_smile:

Damn Javier, the growth Iā€™ve seen from you is huge. One day you just stepped out of the shadows and youā€™ve been a great asset to the forum ever since. Your motivational threads were a great help to me :slight_smile:

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Hey Xander, Iā€™m happy iā€™ve been able to help you join your first TS meeting. I hope your journey will be a long one. Good luck :slight_smile:

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The time has come. Itā€™s bittersweet. I hate having to laeve this place even if itā€™s for my own good, but Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve gotten to know each and everyone of you. I recommed joining the TS meetings from time to time guys, theā€™re great.
Iw ish each and everyone of you the best on your journeyā€™s. All of you are worthy of your successes even if you addict brain tells you otherwise. You all are great. Whatever you do, donā€™t drink that first drink. If youā€™re struggling, come to this place. And be wary of your screen usage.
If any of you wish to contact me: [redacted]
Who knows, maybe youā€™ll see me again on youtube in videoā€™s about addiction.

God bless you all. Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

Crazy_Dutchie checking out.


Dude i apprrciate that. it means alot !
Your going to be really missed ima miss seeing you post about your updates but none the less if this is whats needed right now then go for it im rooting for you hope to have you back again :pray:

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