These will be my last 24 hours on TS(Crazy_Dutchie)

Thanks Petri, you’re on the right path too. Keep on keeping on :slight_smile:

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Thanks Dan. You take care too and keep on inspiring people with your worknig-out :slight_smile:

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It was nice meeting you too Mike :slight_smile: I hope your struggles with yourselves stay away. You’re a great guy and worthy of everything you get :slight_smile: If I ever am really sceptical about advise from my sponsor and if it’s God will, I might return

Thanks Yoda-Stevie. I will certainly not forget this place. I will always have this community in my heart as all you people are amazing. Keep on kicking ass in your dojo :slight_smile:


Thanks Jim, keep on making inspiring art and educating people through the sober lens :slight_smile:


Close enough :laughing: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks Eric. I have learned plenty from you too and your memes have always given me a giggle. I’ll give Murdock a scratch for you and Piet too. I hope our paths cross again someday, but only time can tell.




I’ll miss seeing you in the zoom meetings Maria. Keep on yogaïng, but respect your boundaries. Don’t yoga with broken ribs… usually not very healthy :wink:


Thanks mate. I don’t know you very well and I deeply regret that. From the things I’ve seen for you, you’re destined to help many people with your hard to swallow, but very true advice. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:


I wish you the best too Michelle. I hope you and your man will work through your issues and have a long and happy live together :slight_smile:


Good luck and Happy New Year… things will get better.

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Thanks Bark Bark :blush: If I find a safe way to keep in touch, I will. You all mean a lot to me. Keep up the great work. You have been doing awesome these last few months


You too Darren. I will definetly be back if that is what God wants, but I don’t trust myself with a selfsuspension. My previous 1-month self-suspension lasted 1 week, so I’ll choose the safe way for now :slight_smile:


I’m sure it was a hard decision to make and it’s good to see how conscious you are in your recovery. I will miss your posts. Wishing you all the best!

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Thanks Faugxh. I really appreciate your kind words :slight_smile: keep on helping those in need like you have been doing, you’re really good at that :slight_smile:


Thanks Tomi. I’ve missed you in the meetings and I’ll miss seeing you on TS. Keep on giving your good advice. Good luck on your sober journey, which I’m sure will be fucking long :slight_smile:

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Well, it seems this is the farewell thread for now!

I wish you all the best in your recovery… And be kind to yourself mister you are young and have a lot to learn and experience. Do it with your head held high.


I actually know what you mean. Im having to distance myself as well

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Catch 22, addicted to the Internet go online for help. Love ya little brother.

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