Things you can do sober now that you're sober

What things can you do now that your sober without having to worry about being sober enough to do it? Besides driving.

Since I been sober I can always trim the cats claws and I don’t don’t have to plan it when I’m not drinking because I don’t drink anymore.

By the way I find the easiest way to trim the cats front claws is to use a basic human nail clipper. I’ve tried other devices but just regular nail clippers work the best.


Bring up difficult subjects with my husband. When I was drunk, it would either turn into a terrible fight or he could dismiss my feelings as drunk reactions. Now I’m able to communicate in a constructive, nonreactive way


Pick my kids up from school if they get sick…

Not cut the tips if my fingers almost all the way off while putting flooring in, i got pics of that one :flushed:


Write a legible (I feel) sentence in a chart! And a signature to boot!


@Dan531 Yes! I can respond to unexpected things easily and enjoy it when people drop in.

@Tess Absolutely! And I can talk about things that I am dissatisfied with without “but u were drunk yesterday” which trumps everything.


I totally relate to this. The ability to communicate with my SO has been taken to new levels since I stopped drinking!


Floss my teeth.


Actually go out and do normal people things!
I just spent a weekend in the city and enjoyed nice restaurants and walks around without having to stop in a bar every three hours or find a liquor store or worry about having enough booze to get me through. I couldn’t enjoy or do ANYTHING without drinking or wanting to drink. I even rode around on those electric scooters they have in the streets (and didn’t seriously injure myself).
It was really incredible being able to meander the city and enjoy myself without the anxiety and stress of having to get drunk to “enjoy myself”.
AND it’s a weekend I will actually remember this time! Hangover free, even. Being able to get out of bed and get some breakfast is so simple, yet so refreshing. :black_heart:


I hear ya. I really like restaurants especially nice ones much bettter now. I can sit and enjoy instead of plan my cocktails and bottle of wine and after dinner drinks and not be stressed because my glass is empty and where’s my drink?


Live life lol does that count? But I guess just being spontaneous again and not having to plan if I have enough booze to get me thru to the next day or how I’ll smuggle it with me without people noticing… which BTW was an epic fail. Everyone knew :woman_facepalming:t4:


Gosh! All of the above! I am all sooo happy my hands don’t shake anymore. I couldn’t go without anyone noticing. I would actually admire people on tv who would handle delicate things with their hands and not shake.


Omg same!!! I hated writing checks and filling things out towards the end. It was bad. I don’t miss that at ALL!


Right Courtney? :roll_eyes: Sigh sometimes I look back and think WTF was wrong with me? Dealing with all that but still continued to drink. It’s like continually smacking your head with a hammer and getting upset because your head hurts. :thinking:


Yep so true! One of the memories I think of to this day and helps keep me sober is Christmas Day I made lasagna and I could hardly cut it up and serve it because my hands were shaking so bad. My sister noticed… I had to excuse myself and I went to the bathroom and cried for like a good half hour. I was humiliated and just felt so low and disgusted with myself. Never again! I keep that memory filed away and bring it out when I start craving.


We will keep those in a memory card box and pull them out when we need them!!! I agree! And if you ever need it Courtney, let me know and I’ll remind you and you can remind me k? :grin::+1::muscle:


Deal girlfriend! :kissing_heart:


I know you said apart from driving but that’s a big one for me. We live in a small town where public transport isn’t very reliable and taxis are expensive. Being able to drive means going to cool places and being sober makes it cheap when you get there! I can be available to help people in emergencies, I was on call to take my friend to hospital when she had her baby this summer as she doesn’t have access to a car. We also hired a car when we went on holiday to France a couple of years ago and it’s the first holiday I’ve been on that wasn’t just a more expensive than usual bar crawl :joy: going to places because we want to go there, not because they are by a train or bus stop.

When I was working and responsible for paying bills, being sober meant never have to worry about how much money might (or might not!) be in my bank account. I even managed to save some money.

I brush my teeth every night before bed, no exceptions.

If I need to get up early for something, I don’t have to worry about the inevitable going out the night before for ‘just one’ then end up staying up until the small hours and scraping myself through the next day.

I can talk go out and spend a night talking, dancing, laughing and not worry about what I might have said. I can remember it all, no going through calls texts and photos to piece it together. I know I can have fun, no chemical confidence needed! And if I’m not having fun, I go and do something else or I go home, rather than clinging on to every social situation for a reason to justify my drinking.


Yep, yes,yeah! All the way sister!
Life is so much better sober.
Get out there and find it!


Awww. That’s so, so touching. Your story reminds me of last summer when my son’s hands were shaking so much, he could barely open a really important letter in front of all of us. We started Googling hand shaking since we had no idea the 2 time All American athlete and award winning scholar was drinking vodka to get through the day. We were so naive snd clueless! He quit 7 weeks ago today. So uplifting to see you thriving and glowing. Hope for all of us.


I would have to don a hazmat suit to do that. My rescue kitty may be elderly, but she’s still a killer for hire.