Things you can do sober now that you're sober

Well you know how I was all choked up about not being able to take calls from my kids cuz I’d probably be to drunk at night?

Unfortunately my daughter is at the emergency vet with her cat and we are texting late night. 10:30 is late night or was late night for me. I’m sober!! And I here for her!! The old me would have been passed out by now or well into the drink and really struggling to text her. Being more concerned about me texting drunk. But I’m here. I’m sober. And I’m able to comfort her. A great win since I was feeling so guilty about this kind of situation before.

Stay sober friends. You never know when your child might need you.


I hope your daughter’s cat is okay now? :pray:t2:

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Aw. Thank you Tyler. Rasputin. The cat. Is getting an ultra sound today so hopefully they will find something out. Razzy is not a very cooperative cat at the vets. As a matter of fact he’s very very bad.

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Cool name, never heard it before :slightly_smiling_face: I hope it’s something they can easily help him with. Bless him, one of my cats isn’t a fan of the vets either.

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