Things you've noticed since going sober

Ive noticed no more cuts and bruises too. Im able to wake up early and do the things i need to do. My kids are a lot happier. I don’t wake up to a messy house. I just feel more alive.


This will continue to get better and better the more days you stay sober. Welcome to the community!


Almost 3 years sober
I realize that I am still always learning new things and growing, still having “aha” moments! It doesn’t end at one year, the growth is continuous. Yes, ups and downs. I’ve realized that the contrast of good and bad is a good thing and that the down times don’t last forever. It’s kind of like a storm, you have to wait until it passes. It always does. And then the happy times are so much sweeter.
I’ve learned that even failures at things such as reintegrating with people and making new friends and figuring out how to “be me” … the failures only prepared me for the future. For now. I don’t obsess over the little things like I used to. My motto is “just keep going” …keep meeting new people, keep finding my mojo. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If someone doesn’t like me, I move on.

I’ve learned that people meet me where I am at. If I am negative they tend to mirror me to relate. I’ve learned to try and find the positive in even bad situations. Steer the conversations to more positive things. I still need to work on not openly talking about negative things about myself or my day to day.
I’ve noticed my depression is gone & I’ve noticed that things that would have set me off in the past or would have caused me to crave drugs or booze no longer do. I’m soooo much stronger now.
Wow, I wrote a book. I could keep going honestly. :slight_smile: Sobriety is great.


Thank you, that means a lot! Welcome, and congrats on your 6 days!!! Enjoy your afternoon out!

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Still sober rocking my people. Sorry I haven’t been on lately super busy but I’m never to busy for someone to reach out to for help. I’m 2 months sober tomorrow and thank god for every day. Stay strong my friends every day is a struggle but we can make it work🤙


At times while driving I kinda wish a cop would pull me over and ask if I have been drinking…just so I can say, nope & then ask them, how about you officer?


That happiness really isnt a destination but all around us in the every day, those small things that you dont notice when in addiction that only sober eyes can see


I’ve been noticing more and more how big the drinking culture is… social media is full of drunk people and alcohol. It’s no wonder so many people drinl and get addicted.
I cringe when I look at some of my drunk snapchat memories :confounded:


Feel fresh alot more energy able to think alot better much more productive less anxiety and overall just much more happier as a person :slightly_smiling_face:


I am 99% less irritable. Before, I was always irritable because too many things interfered with my opportunities to drink. I somehow still cared enough about my family and career obligations that I would not drink when it came to those things. But, as for every other occasion in the world, including having no good reason at all, I was drinking. When I wasn’t drinking, I wanted to be. If I was “interfered with” via work or family duties, then I would become resentful and crabby about those things when I should have been grateful. I am now. To realize alcohol took control of my mind in that despicable, grotesque fashion gives me the willies.


This is fantastic. Happiness is wanting what you already have. Can’t take credit for that, but powerfully true.


Since getting sober I’ve developed a heightened awareness and appreciation for nature and my surroundings: sunsets, plants and flowers, birds, the ocean, etc.


Being sober has made me a lot more humble and at peace. Sober me is now in charge of my emotions and life rather than drunk or stoned me. I’m living the life I want to live rather than living a life I have to be wasted to get through. I’m grateful for that.


-The redness in my face has gone away
-There’s already improvement in my skin
-I’m genuinely smiling and enjoying the small moments throughout the day
-Not waking up feeling like my entire day is wasted on getting through a hangover
-My cravings are much less severe than they were the first week of sobriety
-I’m not isolating myself anymore and I genuinely enjoy interacting with people at meetings
-Severe feelings of guilt have basically stopped completely

I love this post, it’s inspiring to read the positivity that’s come from sobriety for others (:


It’s good to come back and look at sometimes (for me anyway), and to note down what else has changed.

My most recent thing I’ve noticed - truly noticed - is the difference in my life/mindset in regards to alcohol. I would always look forward to my next drink, even in the mornings I’d look forward to “after work” and almost plan out where I was going to stop in and buy whatever I felt like that day.
Now I don’t even really think about it. My mind thinks differently, such as, “what classes are on at the gym?”, or “what should I watch tonight?”


Something ive noticed that im sure is related to recovery; i can listen to music without feeling sad. It used to be that id have to be very careful what i listened to, even music on random adverts on TV could set me off. I was just so full of sadness before, it was always just under the surface and the slightest thing would have it rising up. To the point that it was painful to listen to any music that wasn’t deliberately upbeat.
Now i can listen to anything, and actually enjoy the slight melancholic feeling some music creates, without feeling horribly sad and like crying= wanting to drink it away.

Its beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


All the little things in life that I was to drunk to notice. I’m thankful for the little things.

  • First I had ‘pink cloud’. I finally could clearly see the ‘ordinary/normal’ every day life things which I’ve forgotten about when being constantly somewhere between drunk and hungover.
    The world got shape and colours :heart_eyes:

  • My anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts dissapeared.

  • I matured to my current age. I felt like stuck at age 15 (when I started drink) with the way I was thinking and acting. (I’m no more jealous, toxic…etc.)

  • I developed many more new skills and achieved things I’d never believe I could do.

  • My memory got much better.

  • I discovered that alcohol didn’t make me cool and that I have nicer personality without it.

  • I save more money.

  • I choose places to go based on what’s going on and who’s going to be there, not only based if and how much alcohol it’s going to be involved.

  • I sleep better and I have dreams again.

  • I am a much happier and more satisfied person.


I just like being able to deal with negative feelings withou having to use alcohol to numb my brain.


Wow! This is amazing.
I love this :heart_eyes:

You actually bring up a good point with the maturing thing. I didn’t realise this until I just read your post - thank you for this!