Things you've noticed since going sober

Um, my stools are formed and I don’t urinate all the time!


• More clear & rational thinking
• Better sleep patterns & deeper sleeps
• Less irritability, anxiety, worry & stress
• Clearer skin (not red or flush looking)
• More motivated and energized
• More productive , I engage in more healthy activities & I tend to get more done with my days
• Better memory and attention span
• No more constant over-sweating :hot_face::sweat_smile::rofl:
• More cautious and aware of my surroundings and people around me

I feel like I could write a never ending list. Haha.


On the age thing i heard a women on the radio talk about this and was interesting, so as she had been drinking since her teens till 40 ish she said she never grew up and dealt with things like an adult choosing to run to booze to numb pain ,anxiety and general bad news. Now she is sober she basically said she has to learn to be an adult as she now faces things sober and that means confronting and dealing with emotions and problems rather than putting them aside and drinking and hiding.


Alcohol caused me to act in ways to gain the acceptance of others or to just say things to fit it in with people on a normal level. I suppose now I care less about what others think about me and if they do not like than that is their own problem.


Great list! The points about being stuck at a young maturity age and memory hit home with me.


I’ve noticed i have more time. Time for everything that alcohol took away. I can fill a day with healthy, productive things instead of sleeping off hangovers until it was time to drink again.


I have noticed:

Yes, oh my god, the pee. It never stops.

My feelings are louder now. This is both a good and bad thing.

I think my frustration tolerance is higher. I work in a field that requires a lot of patience and I don’t get overwhelmed as easily now.


This has been very true for me also!
What a waste of time and energy getting irritated all day long!!
No more of that! ODAAT

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Its definitely the sleep quality. Which helps me be more productive and focused during the days. No more late nights or crappy mornings.


Only been 54 hours for me. I’ve noticed that I haven’t gotten emotionally reactive. A lot more balanced and calm so far.

I think it was a good idea to ween off over days. For me, anyway.

Had trouble falling asleep last night, but I don’t know if it was related to alcohol. I’ll keep an eye on it.