Thoughts on Russell Brand's book RECOVERY please?

She was active 16 hours ago

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I loved the book.


I’m reading it at the moment and loving it. I like his take on the 12 steps and how it works. More to the point than the Book like simpler. I’m on the 4th Step. Enjoy!!!


Yes, it was seeing a clip of Russell Brand reading from a chapter of this book that snapped me into action to quit drinking. I’m not sure why it had more impact on me than anything else I’d heard or read over the years…he wasn’t on my radar before that. For some reason it just reached me. I bought the book the next day and have been changing my life ever since. I became such an overnight fan that I booked a trip to see his tour in Liverpool last March. He called out my name in part of his performance and I was fortunate enough to shake his hand. I can’t say enough good things about the work he’s done. When the student is ready, the teacher appears I suppose.


I’m pretty sure that Technically he hasn’t broke any traditions. I have not read the book. But it seems he doesn’t use AA steps. Very similar tho

It’s alright, though I still prefer @Englishd’s 12 steps:


Just picked it up yesterday, I’ll start it this week and see how it goes :slight_smile:

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Not my cup of tea .everything he writes is borrowed and he gets paid for it ,maybe im old fashioned but if he gets people to look at their soberiety then ok ,principals before personality.


Ray’s back! How was your trip?

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Morning, Ray! We’ve missed you, my friend!

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The bible of sobriety books is " A new pair of glasses" by Chuck C


Not everyone will identify with AA . Many will find it old fashioned so if it works for others I think it’s great… plus I think someone posted above about the proceeds going to help addiction groups or something. I truly appreciate your belief in AA but this is not an AA group and I know you’ve been around a long time on here and I have massive respect for your journey and sobriety but , it’s a group for getting sober so I just think there’s obviously more than one way xx

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To me, the most powerful parts of his book were not him going thtough the 12 steps in his own words, but how he related his personal experience and insights to the steps. He has something unique to offer. He certainly doesn’t need to devote so much of his voice to helping others in recovery, so I admire his willingness to use his status to get the word out.


Mr. Brand is not in fact keeping with AA tradition.

But I don’t think he is claiming to ???

It’s not something we claim. Being a part of AA it is implied that you will adhere to the traditions. The traditions exist to protect the program of AA from the members of AA. Turning a profit from AA principals clouds the AA message. Though I do admire him for helping alcoholics by sharing his experience I can see how AA can take issue with his methods.

I have heard it said many times. “The Steps keep me from commiting suicide, and The Traditions keep me from commiting homicide”.


I was actually in a meeting with a famous person today, but they don’t really publicly talk about AA. He had a great share too

Oh who was it?!?! Lol. Damn the anonymous part!

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PM me if you must know.

I must not. I’ll have more fun guessing in my head