Three things I've done today which I wouldn't have done if hungover

The three things I want to achieve today…

  • Drink two litres of water
  • Make good choices at the breakfast table - I’m on holiday this weekend and the last time I drank on a holiday I felt so awful the next day I near enough begged my boyfriend to go to Greggs for me to get a cheese pasty and a fanta. Then wasted most of the day feeling terrible during previous time away. Not any more! I intend to fully enjoy this break!
  • Walk 15,000 steps. Going to try and get extra steps in while I’m away
  1. Stuck to eating only plant based foods
  2. Played outside with my dogs this evening
  3. Woke up early to meditate

Went to work
Hiked 3 miles on steep terrain
Made vegetarian burgers from scratch for me and my family :slight_smile:


The three sober things I want to achieve today…

  • a day off from sugar. Tomorrow is my birthday so I am sure I’ll go wild on the stuff then
  • A day off from my phone (apart from checking in on this app!) When I drank and was hungover I’d be paranoid and checking my phone all the time to make sure I hadn’t offended anyone or done abything stupid. I’m climbing a mountain up in Scotland today and am so excited for a day of fully living in the moment
  • my third thing is the mountain itself. Because let’s face it, I wouldn’t be doing that with a hangover!

I love this! :purple_heart:

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Happy to know I’m not alone. I thought I was the only one that neglected this while I was using. Showering was even a hassle back then.

  1. Fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:
  2. Lunch with wife
  3. Shopping for dog :dog:
  1. Woke up early
  2. Went out to an early dinner with my daughter
  3. Went to an in person woman’s AA meeting
  1. Went to work after a somewhat decent rest and didn’t want to fall asleep
  2. Ate
  3. Will be doing self care

On a Saturday:

  1. Got up from a restful sleep and made breakfast with my hubby
  2. Helped my husband deal with stress (usually it’s the other way around, and if I was hungover I would be irritable as all heck and causing more stress)
  3. Not craving booze to ease a hangover

My three things for today…

  • It’s my birthday, whoop! I’m going to have my fave foods but make sure I eat five fruits or veggies today. When I’m hungover I just eat junk
  • Take care of my skin. I’ll get home from my birthday dinner and take my make up off properly, no mascara stained pillow case!
  • Call my family

Happy birthday!! Wishing you a lovely day! :balloon::tada::smiley:


Yep, shaving, flossing, all skipped when hungover. I would brush my teeth, partly because the mint would help the nausea.


Happy birthday! Hope u have a fab day!


Me too!! I’d end up brushing them several times throughout the day to try and make myself feel better :see_no_evil:

Thank you for the birthday message! X

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3 things for today…

  1. I took my meds (when I use I forget to take them)
  2. Went to work this morning and didn’t come close to falling asleep bcuz I didn’t sleep the night before… again due to using
  3. Will smudge later today and connect spiritually

-went for a walk with the dog
-cleaned the windows
-started a new book


woke up hangoverfree
processed the last vegetable harvest this year
had an afternoon nap because I was tired from working 8 hours in the kitchen :blush:


Today’s three…

  • get up early and seize the day
  • listen to a podcast about human kindness
  • visit a castle and enjoy it (when I was hungover on holiday I’d go on day trips and just be there to please others even though I felt horrific. I’d sometimes even cancel if I felt particularly bad. It’s nice actually being able to enjoy holidays!)

Thank you! :purple_heart: