Three things I've done today which I wouldn't have done if hungover

What do you grow?

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Everything I like :yum:
This year it was a couple of chillis, tomatoes (little harvest due to hailstorms), several beans, different sorts of cabbage, tomatillos, physalis, herbs. We have a lot of fruit trees, from very old to baby young, so there is mostly a bit of harvest, even after frost in april and hailstorms. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That sounds amazing! :heart_eyes:

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I woke up from a phantom drunk dream this morning which made me feel so on edge, took me a little while to realise it wasn’t real!

My three things for today…

  • Spend quality time with my mum, find out things I maybe don’t know. In the past I’ve sometimes felt so rough when I’ve visited mum that I’ve just ended up sleeping on the sofa and making excuses for it.
  • Go on a walk after work even if it’s raining.
  • Back to work today after a long weekend off, make every hour count and tick lots off my to do list.

Wednesday’s three…

  • Go to a nice bakery to get some treats for my mum
  • Do a job on my to do list at work that I’ve been putting off for ages
  • Have a nutritious dinner
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When I was hungover I’d find it hard to communicate. So two of today’s three are about reaching out and communicating, making an effort with friends.

  • I feel a bit of a cold coming on so a hot bath is in order. I remember when I had hangovers when I was actually ill thinking it was just a hangover and not taking care of myself properly. I once got a hangover and tonsillitis mixed up, not realising I was actually sick.
  • Call a friend I haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Write a letter to a friend

Had a mad breakfast
Didn’t get up feeling groggy and disconnected from myself.
I remembered things at work and didn’t walk around in circles.
Didn’t have massive bags under my eyes

  1. Took the dogs on an early morning walk

  2. Had a great workout & drank a protein shake for breakfast

  3. Read a bunch of great informative posts here and took time to appreciate our community and my challenging but rewarding sober life


Amazing! :purple_heart:

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When I was visiting my mum’s this week she said to me “I’m glad you take care of yourself”. This really made me happy as I’ve certainly not taken care of myself in the past so I loved that she noticed and that would make her happy.

Anyway, here are my three for today…

  • Write a blog post about a recent hike I went on
  • Spend quality time with in laws
  • Work in the office for the first time since lockdown
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Today’s three doesn’t start with a fun one! :flushed:

  • Go for root canal at the dentist at 9am. I sure as hell wouldn’t be doing that with a hangover!
  • Do several loads of washing
  • Plant daffodil bulbs. I’ve never planted anything before and like the idea of seeing them grow in spring
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For yesterday…

  1. Went for a 9 mile trail run.
  2. Cooked breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.
  3. Went to my buddies house for a birthday celebration
  4. Laughed (I’m taking an extra one :grinning:)

Sounds like a fantastic day! Loving the extra one too :grin:

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My Sunday three…

  • Go to a morning yoga class. Unheard of on a Sunday morning when I drank!
  • Have friends round for lunch after and be a good host - I’ve been known to fall asleep when having guests round when drunk and felt so bad about it.
  • Relax in the afternoon and not feel bad about it. I’d feel guilty for spending an afternoon on the sofa when hungover but when sober it’s so nice to recharge batteries ahead of the new week.

I’ve been lost in drinking again for a while so it’s nice to feel strong enough again to face the beast and win some days back. Drinking is exhausting.

  1. I woke up at a reasonable time and made breakfast for my family (egg and bacon muffins).
  2. I’ve been reading most of the day and love it.
  3. Finally did a meditation. Something that’s always on my ‘to do’ list but I rarely take the time to do and never do when I’m drinking.

Great thread by the way…



That’s such a great feeling! So good being able to do these activities and make the most out of our days without horrible hangovers. Glad you’re feeling strong :muscle:

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  1. woke up well-rested after a cat-interrupted night

  2. enjoyed a day on the couch resting, not detoxing

  3. read all afternoon. cannot read when hungover or drunk. focus missing then.


I’m the same, I really can’t read when hungover and it’s one of my fave activities so I really appreciate those days of reading!

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Get up at 730 to go for a morning walk, read a book, make a good breakfast, 2 hours of work to catch up (all before 1 pm). :slight_smile:

  1. Got up early and spent some time with God
  2. Took my dog for a walk
  3. Cleaned my house