Tired of this feeling

First time posting.
I’m tired of this feeling of failure. Relapsing is so easy. I know I am better not drinking, life is better. I can’t get past two days without messing up. This is so hard.


It is hard Sonya; but it’s simple. Those urges and cravings are hard to fight; it’s our body so used to it that it’s fighting us to drink. It won’t last too long but fight it. And each day it’s just a wee bit easier. You deserve it and your body will be so happy you did!


if your ready I’m ready, let’s give it 100% every hour for 24 hours bc don’t know about you but I’ve had enough. shall we??


Thank you!

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Yes!! I have had more than enough.
I am ready to get better, be better.


what day you on now

You’ve got this :muscle: and you’re right, it’s very tough. If it were easy, this app would likely not exist

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I was on day 3. Now I am back to day 1

yeah same here buts it’s gotta stop…


Welcome Red to this forum. Your right it is hard to quit everything or the only thing your body know’s, the only coping mechanism that your body is so used too. But you know thats what makes it that much better when you say this is it for you alcohol, I am going to take control of my life and you do it and when you get it done its like man I did it feeling great feeling by the way. I think your strong for making this decsion to wanna quit, I think you are even stronger to concer that bad addiction of your’s.You got this just take it one day at a time, don’t rush take it nice and slow just think of you dancing a slow song when you are feeling the music. Take care

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Yes it does!
This is too painful to keep doing

Thank you!!
Well written and speaks to my heart. I truly appreciate your support!

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As some have said already, Welcome!:relaxed:

Relapsing is hard and it will happen to some repeatedly before they can get through. If you have the will, you can do this!
If you have alcohol in the house, dump it now! If anyone lives with you who has it, ask them to put it away where you can’t see it or find it. If you have the urge to go to the bar, hop on here and chat with people or put a movie in, curle up and play a game to keep your mind occupied. To avoid going to the store for it, put your keys up of if you can give them to someone to hold for the night. Also, working out really helps. If you feel the urge, do 10 situps instead. It releases dopamine and that will alter your feelings a little.
Buy a really good book that is long and sit and read it!

You are not a failure. You are human and you make mistakes and mess up but not a failure. Everyone goes at their own pace. It took me 7 times before I quit narcotics and I’m 145 days clean. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to people on here or in person. Find a support group if you can.

Best of luck and keep pushing through. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Right there with you! I was stuck on day 1 or 2 for a while. Today I made it to day 3. I don’t want to go back to day 1 again. I was once sober for 6 months, but botched that. I remember being so proud, several times, between day 7 and right up until I drank again. I want that feeling again. So I’ll accept my day 3 for now and hope for a 4. You got this! Just keep trying.


This is amazing!!
Thank you!!

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Yes girl!!
You got this too! No going back for us.

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@Red7 how you doing?

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I’m also very very tired of this feeling… tired of myself.
For the past 3 weeks I wake up, trying to remember if I’ve failed the day before. Most of the mornings I remember my failure of the day before and I get angry at myself, sometimes I really hate myself. And every day I promiss that I won’t buy anything anymore, and that gives me the strength to go to work and go through the day.
There are also mornings when I remember that I didn’t fail the day before. Those are days when I thank God for one hole day, but after work I’ve forgotten what a wonderful feeling it was to wake up sober.
When I saw this thread, I thought: this is the perfect time to read that I’m not the only one struggling with this aweful feeling right now… I’m going to follow your post, try to visit every day, because I think we can do this together when we motivate eachother and right now I really need other people to do this together with.
Thank you for sharing this! Stay strong, we can do this!


Welcome here Sonya,
Nice profile picture :grin:
I’m Claudia, my addiction is alcohol too. Sober for a longer strech now.
The beginning is hard, I know. But the longer you stay sober, the easier it become. So fight that voice in your head that says you can have “just one”.
That’s different for every person in here but there are similarities. This is what helped me:

Get rid of all the alcohol in my house
Tell my spouse about my sober decision
Avoid liquor store and the alcohol section in the supermarket
Fill my fridge with healthy foods and drinks
Buy sweets as well to use as replacement for when craving kick in
Getting myself a hobby to fill in the extra time
Avoid alcohol related events, friends, places the first 3 months of my recovery
Come here on this app every day to check in sober and reflect my day and talking to others

As a extra motivation I said to myself this:
If you aren’t sober after 1 year of trying to beat this addiction by yourself you have to go and find help. You have to go to see doctor ore visit AA.

This is what helped me. I’m sober for 1,5 year now. Read around on this app, there is so much information about your addiction and how to beat it to find here. Use it! Give it all!
If you have cravings: don’t pick up but come here instead. See you around :heart:


Doing good so far!
My best friend and I went on a day trip yesterday to a State Park for hiking. Was a great day.
How are you doing?