To the newbies

As a newbie, this was good to read. I’ve done Dry January before but my sobriety always gave way to my desire to fit in and be part of the crowd. I’m hoping to find my new crowd here. I’ve lots to learn! Thank you.


100% get that. Then one day I wrote down all the bad things drinking did for me. That list was so darn long…i no longer wanted to fit in.

I wish you well on your Journey and hope you find what you need here!



Some food for thought.

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Some food for thought!

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Just some food for thought here.

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Thanks for sharing! I’m grateful you didn’t go through with your plans for that day, so many people would have missed out on your story which is inspiring. I am looking forward to my first recovery meeting at my church. It’s not strictly an AA group but rather a focus on recovery from anything through faith which is what I am looking for because my faith is a big part of my life and I want to rekindle that part of my life. The pastor of my church is a recovered alcoholic so I really feel a good support system there. I know I’m only at 14 days this time around but I’ve got my heart set on making it and living out the rest of my life sober one day at a time!


There is no only in sobriety. My 24 hour day today, is the same blessing as your 24 hour day.

Let us know how your meeting went!


Thank you for continuing to be here and telling your story. :heart:


Even the ones where i yell out “i got diahreaa”?


Especially those ones. :laughing:


Umm 14 days is so huge. There is no “only” when each day deserves celebration. You are doing hard things and unfortunately you can’t skip ahead to the easy stuff, but getting through the hard stuff is what makes the easy stuff feel so much better.
Remember your why every day. Don’t forget how you felt the day you woke up and said “I’m done”.



Something to ponder as you start your journey

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Something to read and think about.



Something to thimk about

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Hope this helps


What a journey! I’ve followed along in my time here, and I’m so glad you stayed! As I’m sure lots of other people are too! You are a great mentor to a lot of us on this app, and I just wanted to say thank you and also congratulations on 4 years!



A place to start your journey

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@Vee42 somewhere to start reading

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Thank you.


A lot of other good stuff here!