Today Has Been Hell

6 days in now. Less than 24 hours away until I hit a week.


Actually I relapsed yesterday and I can surely tell you that this doesn’t help . I felt many very very very bad feelings and I wished I hadn’t fallen once again . So stick to your gun and don’t give up .


Flippin brilliant, it’s such a fantastic feeling when we take bk control of our actions and lives. X so proud of you, I feel this amazing energy that passes thur the phone, I have a feeling your going all the way with this one. Xx

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How are you doing now? X

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I just woke up! My whole body feels like its tied in a knot. Gonna go stretch and make some breakfast. I have things to do today otherwise I’d cuddle back into my blankets.:rofl::ok_hand: I’m fine though.


As long as you’re ok that’s the main thing. You know where we are. :blush:


One day at a time hun.

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