Tomorrow will be 15 days!

I’m very proud of myself. Does anyone have tips for trying to drink in moderation? Or do you find you just have to stay away?


I’ve found that if I take a drink one day, I’ll want to drink the next and so on. Abstinence is the only thing that works for me. My mind works a lot better without all the poison clogging it up. I tried drinking in moderation for years.:innocent::anchor:


Stick with it. Use this ap and join AA. It’s easier if we do it together.:innocent::anchor::zap:


For me, moderation does not work, period. It’s a seducer, liar and a mocker.


I have tried many times to drink in moderation only to get drunk. I am 166 days sober and plan to be alcohol free for life.


Keep it up brother! You should be very proud of yourself & your determination. Thank you for inspiring others, like myself, to stay strong & to stay the course. Great job!

Thank you for your feedback.

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I have never tried moderation. I sort of feel like right now I’m lying to myself believing I can try it. Today, I am at 15 days without drinking. I must say I really enjoy it but have lots of cravings.


Good job. Today is my 30 days and I can really relate to what you are saying about lying to yourself. I would love to sit here and say that I can go have a drink every now and then but I know I am lying to myself. After all if that were the case, would I be here?
It’s scary to admit that I am powerless over something , but it’s the truth. Congrats , stick with it


Yes @Ktkat143 we are powerless over alcohol. Admitting this is the first step to recovery. Together we can motivate and inspire one anorher to be strong and stay sober.


Congratulations on your 15 days!! That is a great accomplishment!

Ah, moderate drinking…sounds so…enticing and reasonable.

Can I moderate? Sadly, no. Sure, I can moderate drink for a few weeks or months or what have you…then one drink turns to two …then two to three…then a bottle. Slippery slope for me.

So, no. I cannot moderate. I tried it for years, failed. Eventually I always ended up drinking more than I wanted more often than I wanted.


Good job! I tried to moderate after nearly 60 days sober. I was successful a couple times and had one or two drinks. Then I relapsed back to daily heavy drinking for about a month and I’m back to day 8. I wish I wouldn’t have tested myself; I was doing so well.

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If you say you still have “lots of cravings”,then it sounds like something you can’t just casually walk away from and come back to having “just a couple”. I think most here have tried moderation, it just doesn’t work for an alcoholic,an alcoholic who wants a better life.


Yes I have 5 tips for drinking in moderation

1.There’s no such thing.
2.You cannot do it.
3.If you’re an ALCOHOLIC that’s the word.
4. ALCOHOLIC cannot drink in moderation.
5. DONT…

Here are some of the methods we have tried:
Drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with and without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going to health farms and sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums—we could increase the list ad infinitum.
Alcoholics Anonymous page 31


Yup. @Marcus is right.

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@lizak I love your tips. You are the best.

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I know, I’m afraid of the same thing.

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That is too funny, don’t mean to laugh but sadly it is.

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