Traveling Sober

Flowers from Arnhem for my sober friends today.


My village in Kyrgyzstan


Travelling sober from NY to CT for crossword tournament, just had a 4.8 earthquake and the Northeast is losing it’s mind. Stopped on Amtrak so they can inspect all the bridges, this will be my view for lord knows how long.


Awww my home for 5 years. God I love Prague. I miss her so much.

I’m fact I used to work in the building on the right hand side you see on the old town square. There used to be a little cocktail bar there - also right in the corner is an Irish pub called Caffreys - used to work there too!

That balcony is the very balcony where communism was declared over in Czechoslovakia :slight_smile:

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In my gosh :scream:
It’s been all over Twitter.
You guys don’t get earthquakes :thinking:
I hope there’s a toilet :grimacing:


hope no after shocks. Be safe and hopefully you have enjoy battery life on phone to keep you entertained.

BTW - crossword tournament? Sounds exciting - didn’t know those were a thing. Best of luck!


They are in fact a thing, I word nerd out a few times a year, sometimes i make the finals :slight_smile:


Beyond awesome

Just had to google it – so very cool Joel. Sending you good luck. Safe travels in getting to the tournament.


Omg, I ADORE Iceland! I’ve been there for a week/ten days a couple of years ago - and fell in love with absolutely everything!
Hopefully, I’ll visit it again (also in winter, as the first time).

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It’s an amazing country :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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What amazing nature, and what an awesome pup!!

Scary stuff. I was on holiday in Bali when we had a few earthquakes. The biggest one was a 6.
I found it very scary to feel the earth shake beneath me. It definitely ruined my whole holiday :sweat:
Good luck at the crossword tournement!! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


Pretty obvious which country we are visiting :wink:
With apologies to my neighbours for perpetuating stereotypes :blush:


There was an article this week in the news that a lot of mills have problems with there blades.
There are old and become crappy and break.
It leads to dangerous situations when the wind is heavy :face_with_peeking_eye: Your picture of that mill without his blades made me think of that article.
Hope they can find money somewhere to fix them, it would be a shame to loose this historical view.


I miss the tulips, the wooden shoes and the weed :face_with_peeking_eye:


These particular ones are in the Open Air Museum in Arnhem. I assume they are well cared for as part of the exhibition.
There were other ones there too, and I really enjoyed all the stuff we learned about live, technology and buildings in the Netherlands through time.
I always thought windmills were mostly there to mill grain. But I learned yesterday that actually most of the mills in the Netherlands were not used for grain but either as a mechanical power for other industries - for example oil presses, paper makers, saw mills, etc. - or far more important as the engines of the extensive pump systems to drain the land.
The white one on the left is a saw mill and the brown one in front is part of a pump system.
And yes there were tulips and wooden shoes galore :rofl:


It is. And I found that the people have an amazing sense of humor, are really nice, kind, spontaneous and helpful.

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Hi! Been a while.

Toronto/Niagra Falls :canada: November 2023.

Similar weather to back home in Scotland lol🤣


It’s roasting :hot_face: here.
@Twizzlers @Tragicfarinelli @Dilettante
Where’s the air conditioning at Heathrow?


Climate change. We don’t have any :laughing::laughing::laughing: