Traveling Sober

Hopefully there’s some good memories being made because those are the ones you’ll remember :heart: Bravo for a win tonight!


I’ll remember “Hammering Slaw.” :scream::scream::scream:
@Its_me_Stella @Lisa07


The Uffizi is amazing! Every time I go there I find something new. I remember the enthusiasm when I first saw Caravaggio’s Medusa. I never hoped I would see it, because it was being restaurated for a decade or so.
Also, being Buonarroti’s huge “fan”, as an eighteen years old girl (the first time in Florence) I visited Galleria dell’Accademia on twelve occasions.
It’s no wonder - though never clinically “completely” proven that the Stendhal’s syndrome is associated to Florence.

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I go there to relax. Of course, I choose exhibitions etc. that I would love to see.
(mistake: the photos are from this spring :-))


I thought Stendhal was just being a special snowflake, “look at meeee, I’m sooo artistic and sensitive”. Then I went to the Uffizi and I was like “OMG, it’s real, and it’s this! This is what he felt!” I guess I privately begged Stendhal’s pardon for having doubted the genuineness of his “syndrome”. :joy:


We would go to Paris every few years on a regular basis. I always loved the city to give me heaps of inspiration. And it’s only a few hours ride with the Talys train.


Florence is nice but I think I’ll really enjoy staying here the next 3 night in Panzano, in Chianti.

Could be a nice place for coffee in the morning.


I love Italy as well. Florence is beautiful but also very crowded with to many tourists :hugs:
Waiting in line for an hour ore two to enter a museum is not my “thing” :hugs:
I loved to visit Siena, Luca, San Gimignano and other smaller towns around Florence.
You made me wanting to go back there Eric!
Craving icecream now…



DazerCat does not do that!


Practically every town in Toscany is worth visiting. When I was younger and before the Internet “revolution”, I too hated the queues etc. Now, when I travel, I book the tickets for museums and galleries that are amongst the most popular ones. The same goes for exhibitions in small galleries or for some very special exhibitions (I remember going to Rome in 2000 or 2001 for a Caravaggio exhibition because it was a rare occasion - the paintings arriving from all over Europe).
Oh, traveling. Basically the only thing keeping me sane :slight_smile: Though it’s quite expensive: in my country the low cost companies are practically nonexistent, so it’s always a problem to find an airplane ticket with a decent price.


Shit :grimacing:
I posted my walk on the nature pic thread by accident. If anyone is interested.



I am melting with jealousy. No, for real, it looks lovely and I am happy you are having such a nice time. :lemon::deciduous_tree:


Thank you. Always wanted to come here. And I’ll remember all, well most of it. And not a hangover in sight.


This mornings hike was on part of
The Via Francigena.

An ancient road and pilgrimage route running from Canterbury in England, through France and Switzerland, to Rome, and then on to the Holy Land

We only hiked to Monteriggioni :point_down:

It was about a 2 hour fun hike.
We made it.


Second hike in the afternoon was through the beautiful Tuscan Hill country to see a working sheep farm and meet a shepherd who makes sheep cheese

Wild orchids on the way here and there. And olive groves.

You can see the herd kinda in the center to the right of the tree.

And sheep

And a couple of baby sheep :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And the sheep cheese.
Where it sits for 10 days

And where it is stored for different amounts of time depending on the aging.

And we get to have a sample, from left to right, of the youngest cheese at about a month then 4 months aged. 6 months aged to 1 year plus aged.
I liked the old guy the best.


Lovely to see the provenance of the cheese and good husbandry of the animals. Looks so beautiful! :two_hearts:


Got my olive oil on.
They did a tasting for us.

Ya I’m bringing some home.


Never heard of olive oil tasting.How cool! I’ll take that over wine tasting any day.

What an awesome trip you’re having. Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with all of us. I’ve been jumping around different threads to keep up with your adventure. Instead of “where’s Waldo?” I’m like “where’s Eric today?”. :joy:


Aww I love that :kissing_heart:
Leaving Luca and headed to the coast. Santa Margherita On the Ligurian Sea. The Mediterranean
I’m so happy to take you all and share it with me.

Edit : @Lisa07 and we tasted some balsamic vinegar. It can be very thick over here. I liked the pink one. I’d like to say it’s cheaper the wine but not sure. But no after effects.