Traveling Sober

Thank you, that’s s lot of useful information. I had no idea about that.

Last time I was in London was like 25 years ago, with my Aunt. We went to see Mamma Mia the musical at the theater.

I wanted to go with the boys and show them all the touristy things.
They where so impressed with everything they saw during our small walk from the Underground station to the train station.

The red busses, and the red mailbox at Paddington station where they thought Paddington bear got stuck with his hand in an episode (Didn’t have the heart to tell them that the mailbox probably is located where he lives, they where so excited) :blush:

Even the crowded underground, with drunk sport fans and the kids in school uniforms where exciting to them. So I wanted to go back when we had the time to just stroll around.

Here In Sweden we live outside a small farmers village about 1-1,5 hours one way drive to Gothenburg. Strange enough I’ve never been to Stockholm besides the airport for plane transfers. :smiling_face:

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Like James said you can do a LOT for free in London. Almost all the museums are free, South Kensington has the natural history and Victoria and Albert museums there. It’s backs onto Kensington gardens for a nice picnic from supermarket food. You can even walk from there all the way thru the royal parks back to Waterloo area… Seeing many things and natural beauty!

The sky garden in the city does free slots were you can all go up and see a pandemic view over London. Better than the wheel… It’s free, you just need to book online in advance…

Let me know if you need tips.


Thank you so much. All of it sounds wonderful.
Funny that you mentioned Supermarket food. Whenever we go somewhere one of the first things we do is finding a supermarket/grocery store to walk around in, and buy all the things that we want to try :blush:


Exactly the same… My suitcase is usually filled with unusual packets and stock cubes and spices from supermarkets where I go rather than anything else…:heart_eyes:. I especially love German supermarkets!! Kaiser in Berlin :heart:


:smiling_face: I’m like an unsupervised child in stores like that. I just go crazy with all the snacks, sweets, and sodas.

When we where in England last year nothing made it back home :laughing:

This year we don’t have any travel plans outside Sweden. We usually go to the border to Norway and buy some Norwegian groceries a few times a year.

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Ya I thought about you right :point_up: here @JazzyS

Anyone want to guess what the line at this window is for?

It’s a wine window? Apparently people line up and can buy a glass a wine at this “wine window.”


Now that’s new.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Almost looks like he’s carrying his own head :scream::thinking:


Keep sharing your sites. Im having fun watching right along with ya @Dazercat what time is it there?

You have any jetlag?


GLA🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - NYC🇺🇸

Home I am sure to many in this community, Great experience as an outsider like myself! Shame you can only upload 5 pics at a time lol.

December 2023.


9 hour time difference for me west coast. You central? So maybe 8 hours for you.

Ya. There’s jet lag. Just mixed up sleeping schedule. Or not sleeping.


Just landed in Seattle, passed by Mt. Rainier at dusk.

I used to kind of dread traveling sober, now it ain’t no thing.


In Hawaii right now, had a brutal day with my kid. Fuck feelings. :fu: Going to bed so I dont talk myself into a bar. Night night. :crescent_moon:


They say that the jetlag on arrival isn’t as bad as the jetlag coming back home.
Here they say it takes just as many days as the hours in time difference to get in track when you’re back home.
I think Sweden and Italy doesn’t have any time difference, current time here is 09.00.
When I write this :smiling_face:
Which makes the time in Memphis 02.00.

A wine window sounds very much like Italy to me.


9:03 here.
I find it more difficult flying west. Easier flying home for me east. Or maybe it’s easier because we are going home when we fly east.
I don’t know :man_shrugging:


It’s the opposite for me, so it might be possible :smiling_face:

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Oooooh! The ONLY place I feel at home! The most beautiful city with an amazing atmosphere… When I visit Florence I usually go by train from Rome. I NEVER sit when we’re approaching Santa Maria Novella station. I am always standing, peeking to see the dome of the Duomo or - at one point it’s possible to take a glimpse of - the Cappelle Medicee and ready to hop off. :heart:


I was blown away by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. I wanted to live in it, surrounded by beautiful art. And I myself come from a country with a long and fascinating art history. But the Uffizi was breathtaking.


Hope you both had a restful night sleep @Its_me_Stella. I’ve had some brutal days with my baby girl traveling so I can relate to those feelings. Our last trip in January, I had to leave her in the hotel room alone and take a walk late at night by myself just to cool off. Of course, the hotel was surrounded by bars that became very appealing but I managed to find a lil ice cream place to self sooth. Obviously, I still have work to do but at least I chose ice cream over a drink. And no, I did not bring any back for her. :joy: Anyway, enough about me. Hope you have a better day today. Much love to you both :heart:


I started hammering cole slaw. Lol
She slept on the couch.
I woke up clean.
Today is a new day.



Have a great new day!