Trichotillomania / dermatillomania

Thank you for sharing! This must have been horrific for you. All the pain you have felt…and you were so young, with litteraly no support. You are right, thoses experiences as kids affect us deeply. Thank you again for sharing, I hope you are doing okay

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Hey there! I’m just curious since you wrote that it’s a genetic thing… My sister has trichotillomania and I suffer from dermatillomania. I was just wondering if any of you have a similar experience where multiple family members have trichotillomania/dermatillomania?

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In regards to twirling hair (not pulling it out in patches): My mom had it when she was a child, so her parents cut her hair short. She never talked about having it reoccur after that. My son’s both did it as toddlers as well but grew out of it. My young nephew does it as well (3-4 years). I do it still. If the habit gets bad enough I try to make a conscious effort to wear my hair in a bun. If it’s in a pony tail, I’ll still twirl it.

Thank you for your reply, that’s so interesting! I was worried I had subconsciously copied my sister by developing the bad habit… But hearing that so many people from different generations do the hair twirling thing in your family really does make it sound like it’s more of an instinct…

I just joined this app for TTM (I’m not diagnosed or anything but ya know… I pull my hair pretty bad) and it’s nice to see a little community on here. Nobody knows about my hair pulling and I feel so alone in it. So it’s nice to find ppl who would understand what I’m going through.

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Great post!

I am down almost one eyebrow right now. I pulled more when I was drinking, but I noticed myself doing it a lot this week.

Something particularly significant is happening for me within my family- it could be an anxiety/ regulation thing for me…not sure.

Someone told me once it could be somewhat genetic, or indicate a deficiency in something.

Anyways, thanks for the post!!


I am so glad I have just found this thread.

I was not aware that what I do most of my life with my skin was an actual condition with a name…

I spent half of my life scratching and picking at my skin and another half trying to hide the scars, red marks and scabs. I do it without thinking about it. I am lost deep in my thoughts when it happens, sometimes actual “movies” playing full on in my head, and when I wake up from this trans, I have blood running down my arm or cheek.

Is there a way to get rid of it or at least control it somehow? Would a doctor prescribe any meds for this? I am really sick and tired of wearing long sleeves and tights all summer.

Thank you for this post!!!

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I have had dermatillomania since I was about 6, was abused by my parents for something I couldn’t control, though they didn’t know about all that in the 80’s.

It comes and goes, mostly do it for stress relief but really any open area/ zit falls victim. Worse, I am now coming off a meth relapse (meth makes you pick your skin). My chest and legs are covered with healing sores that I need to try leave alone.

Glad to meet others on here I used to think I was the only one!


So, my daughter has just officially been diagnosed with ADHD and the psychologist suspects possible anxiety disorder (though she can’t diagnose that based on her credentials). Does anyone know if meds for ADHD (like adderal, perhaps) will help with the pulling? She’s finally growing back some hair now after pulling all winter. She goes to uni in a few weeks so I’m a bit worried for her.

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Got this book from my partner, yet to start it. Anyone read it?

Long time nail biter/skin picker here. My whole biological family does the same thing. My thumbs are so bad from years of damage that I think I have developed habit tic nail deformity (only Google diagnosed). I have not noticed sobriety improving this habit and it actually might be getting worse. @Devisi I will check out that book. Thanks for listening all.

Interested haven’t heard of this book

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Hi there! A bit late but just to let you know I have trich and my brother has dermatillomania too.

Hi. This seems to be quite an old thread …is that the correct word,? Anyway it is helpful to read it. I trichotillomania’d my lashes for so long the top eyelids now are permanently bald. Still have bottom ones and I attack those till there are none left. Ready to try to stop. Hugs to all.