Hi all, I’ve got another one of my lengthy questions today. My dad is 58 years old. He looks like he’s 70. He’s been home the last two years from a job he hated for many years but never quit/changed, first with a physical ailment, but it’s been pretty obvious he was burnt out aswell. He has no motivation, he’s angry a lot and has been for many years. Either that or he is sickly romanticising the old days, clinging to us grown up children as if we were still wee (I’m 33, my sister 29!). He never got over the fact I moved out (1/2 hr drive away, 13 years ago), and that his dad died (10 years). He copes with eating sweets, endless internet eBay browsing for vintage mechanical parts and stuff he claims will be useful but is not needed, and TV. The sweets and TV has always been the case, internet the last ten years. He also smokes quite a bit and is very overweight and in bad physical condition. He will get diabetes 100%.
I grew up in the countryside so there’s always lots to do, lots of work, but my dad fails to enjoy the work, he feels overburdened and shuts himself off. He is beyond nasty and disrespectful to my grandma who lives next door,
and was to me aswell for a long time, now he’s mostly trying to be nice but his clinginess sickens me. He can’t bear people talking about anything in his presence, feels stressed out all the time, then he’ll yell, insult you and or leave angrily. He saw a therapist for a short time but didn’t open himself up and the guy couldn’t help him (he was told that). He is since taking antidepressants and expects them to fix his problems. I am happy they make him feel somewhat better - only they don’t really. He is not taking any responsibility for his problems and his spending all his time with what I now know to be addictive an avoiding behaviours, eating, internet, TV. He avoids everything in the present, he can’t and won’t cope.
OMG I’m sorry this is getting so long, clearly I am very involved in this anyway I’ve noticed my tolerance for his behaviour is approaching zero. It makes me feel bad to be in his presence, it depressed and angers me. I’ve been very depressed for many years, a lot to do with his ways and expectations for me (to live at home forever!) and not letting go of me, so I have my share of experience of what he is going through (and worse, if I may say so). I also know a thing or two about addictions now, don’t I. (I even did internet shopping browsing just like he does for years!) All this as a mix somehow triggers me immensely, and I can’t stand being with him. Normalising his behaviours and avoidance of himself and his problems. I don’t mean it triggers me to want to drink, but I feel like a cocked gun around him, I can’t stand his living like this.
Now, my question is have you gone through periods where your patience with others maladaptive coping / addictions has just run out? I feel bad distancing myself from him even further, I do feel for him and his (unaddressed) pains, at the same time, it is selfish of him to expect the outside world to adapt to him, not disturb him, while he does nothing to better himself. Also, I need to look at myself now, live my life, finally. I blame him a lot for letting himself go and not dealing and putting his shit on everyone else, but with my experiences with depression and alcoholism I feel I should be more graceful and allowing and understanding, cos obviously I know how hard it is. Can youse relate to my moral dilemma here?